Go to a bookstore and look through the various NCLEX RN books. Find one that best fit your method of learning. I spent sooooo much money on multiple books----Saunders, Exam Cram, Hurst, NCLEX Made...
Hogan was my primary NCLEX review book and I can say that this book helped me tremendously. I had other books that I used such as Saunders, Exam Cram, Hurst, but only used these if I needed...
https://allnurses.com/nclex-discussion-forum/study-guide-811514.html#post7141444 This is a 35-page (Word document) study guide NOT endorsed by AN. I read this weeks before my exam (on and off) and...
It's good to know you've managed to lift yourself up based on your post. I agree...learn from it...and move on. No use dwelling on the negative. I failed my first NCLEX RN exams and used that...
You have to approach each question independently....meaning...read the stem of the question...what does it deal with? is the problem ABC's, Maslows, does it have anything to do with patient being...
I set a standard for myself....anything 75% or less....I went back to studying content and re-taking NCLEX 4000 and NCLEX 10000 under the same category until I consistently got over
I brought a drink (to-go cup) and snacks (crackers, sandwich, chocolate in ziploc bag), which must be stored in the locker. During my break, I ate right there in the waiting room in clear view of the...