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All Content by LoveANurse09

  1. Tips for Mother/Baby interview

    Wow, sorry about that. Doesn't sound very professional. Don't get discouraged,keep at it.
  2. Certification w/o OB experience?

    Thanks so much.
  3. Where is your heart at?

    If you don't know what you would like, you'll come across what you DON'T like. Med/Surg is a great place to start. You'll see a little of everything and if you decide you don't like it then you can move on. If you know you like Peds, of course gettin...
  4. Graduating in Dec and newly Pregnant

    It is illegal for an employer you ask you about your family, relationship status,health or any personal information like that. So unless you bring it up they shouldn't ask. I don't think its being dishonest at all. You are there for a job which has n...
  5. College transcripts and first nursing job

  6. Unsure of what happened

    Totally agree. The MD is the only one who can ORDER. The only thing I can think of is at my hospital STAT orders are to be done within 1 hr, maybe they knew they wouldn't get there in time and didnt want it to look bad for them?
  7. What do you consider a positive troponin?

    Wow, 0.1? At my hospital 0.5 is considered positive. They will stay on our stepdown unit.
  8. Feel like I'm contstantly making mistakes!

    Its good that you are recognizing your mistakes and trying to resolve them. That is how you learn. It sounds like you are right on track.
  9. Tips for Mother/Baby interview

    Sorry to hear, what happened exactly?
  10. Should i call the nurse manager?

    Thanks Jolie! noski- I have yet to find email address either, they aren't readily available. I guess try to see if HR will give them out?
  11. Certification w/o OB experience?

    Thanks. I have looked into CLC one program is coming to my area next year. I think NRP will probably be the next step for me as I already have ACLS. I am an AWHONN member and try to attend updates and conferences at my hospital when I can. I'm also t...
  12. Online CNM-no BSN required?

    Yep,there is an online ASN-MSN program at Frontier School of Midwifery and family Nursing, check out There are others I have heard of such as U of Cinncinati, but pretty much all require 1 year of RN expereince. I know Frontier requires...
  13. Internship vs. Residency question

    Most that I have seen are paid. With a pay increase when you graduate.
  14. How to prepare for first RN job

    Congrats! Consider yourself very lucky! I'm sure they will prepare you with everything you need to know. I recommend taking a disease process or condition that one of your patient's had that day and go home and read about it. Also, keep up on your me...
  15. I'm with ya. Trust me it does get better, by about 6-8 months you'll be feeling much more confident and it will get better. I understand about your heart not being in it, but this experience will help you get that postpartum job!
  16. Stay on crazy med-surg or unemployment

    I agree, if you need to pay your bills, then stay. You know what its like already, so its no surprise to you, althouh it sounds pretty crappy.Try it for 6 months at least, but keep looking at whats out there.Good LUck!
  17. In need of some advice...

    I agree with NC girl. At least stay for 6 months. Some experience is better than none. But you can still actively apply until the right fit comes along. Good Luck!
  18. Low GPA- Need Help!

    The program I am applying for states "GPA from last degree considered" So that might not work for the OP.
  19. Students in Delivery Room

    I agree. For my first delivery, as I was pushing the nurse asked "do you mind if a medical student watches" Between contractions I yelled whatever and in come 3 med students, on top of the doc,2 nurses, my hubby, my mom who also invited my dad in! Wi...
  20. Online classes suck!! What's your experience!!

    Unfortunately alot of online schools are run pretty much the same way. Although, I have never heard of the joint partner papers! It does sounds like your Prof is very unorganized and doesn't care. I second with going to the program director. You shou...
  21. questioning postpartum nursing?

    Angelnurse- I am in your exact position. I am ready to switch too :)
  22. Anyone going for IBCLC?

    try lots of helpful info.
  23. Transferring from ED Clincal Sup. To mother/baby

    Sounds like you are perfect for mother/baby. Not sure about your hospital, but my hospital postpartum also takes antepartum pt's, preterm labor management, preeclampsia type pt's. Starting IV's, being able to be on your toes at all times, taking care...
  24. Bridge program Frontier

    I hope to be there in the spring! I'm trying to make the Nov 4th deadline.
  25. Is this too much or am I crazy...what are your units like?

    Glad you got out of there. Sounds like you have a very nice job now! I love recovering post cath patients!