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  1. Study Help!!!!

    81 chapters? Really? Suggested readings? Mandatory readings? Certainly, there must be some focus. If you compare the different texts, many have much of the same information. Let me know....i'll help...
  2. srna, pda's helpful during school?

    Take a look at this link
  3. Helpful PDA programs?

    I have a Treo 680 (pda/cell combo) and absolutely love it. Plenty of memory for your programs and if you absolutely are worried about room you can add an SD card. I added a 1gig (If i can remember...
  4. I'm not sure if you're intentionally trying to be misleading or have just been misinformed but, for clarification, there are no laws that require a CRNA to be supervised by an anesthesiologist...
  5. Except for the fact that AA's don't practice independently,
  6. Feedback about Samuel Merritt College

    80 applicants? Completely inaccurate...the admissions department forwards about 80 apps to the anesthesia program to hand pick about 45 people for interviews, accepting 20-25 each year. There are...
  7. Can you work PT

    Don't bother. It's not worth your time, energy, or sanity for a couple shifts a week. You'll be spread thin and burn out in no time from the combination of work and the rigors of the program. I'm the...
  8. Palm Pilotsest

    Since you posted in the CRNA forum, I'm guessing you are referring to anesthesia stuff. I have a Palm Treo. I got the 680 (Older version) because the CNET reviews seemed to indicate they are more...
  9. How old is everyone?

    I'm 33 now...will be 35 when i'm finished... So what if you'll be 38 when you're done...that's nothing...If you practice until you're 65, that's nearly 30 years of practice....that's a no-brainer if...
  10. Years of Experience

    1 year community hospital ICU...combined ccu/micu/sicu 2.5 years university hospital, level 1 trauma, trauma & vascular sicu 1.5 years cardiac surgery icu...busy program...non-teaching...lot's of...
  11. Yep. Just put your head down and do your best at everything. You'll get
  12. You can pretty much get as much as you need. Here's how my financial aid went. Filled out the FAFSA (free federal financial aid form, or whatever it's called). Got my award letter from the school...
  13. Applied to one and got in on the first try. May want to do a search, quite a few old threads with the same subject. Good
  14. Dumb Question but...

    Don't forget all of your benefits. Those really add up. If i had to COBRA my health insurance, that would cost me almost 1k per month. Factor that, disability, life insurance, retirement contributions...
  15. Pre-reqs question...

    Go to www.aana.com ....that will give you a listing and links to all of the accredited programs by state. Look at the neighboring states, their requirements, curriculums, etc... That will answer a lot...