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About Dove87

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  1. Curve up or down?

    I also towel roll on the back table, but on the mayo I have all my instruments with the curves up. I have had nurses say it is easier to pick up if the curve is down and vise versa. It's a personal...
  2. Pre-admission surgical screening for elective procedures, PAR, endoscopy, surgical floor on the
  3. New OR Nurse and feeling overwhelmed...

    I am also new to the OR and am also experiencing similar hazing and the unfortunate expected OR culture behavior. I knew going into this, that the OR would require me to have a thick skin, expect that...
  4. Best and Least Cases?

    Love: General, Plastics, Ortho Hate: Urology, Gyne A lot of the love/hate has to do with the team (surgeons and nurses), you always can tell when you are going to have a good day or a bad day based on...
  5. Being late to work...

    One of my biggest pet peeves! I just find chronic lateness so rude and inconsiderate to the nurses who have just finished a loooong, grueling night shift especially, and all we want to do is give...
  6. Hi everyone, just reading through some posts and I am happy with how many people who have entered the OR have found their passion and really do love their job. It has me thinking about how different...
  7. Graduated May 2011, passed the boards in June 2011, got hired in September 2011. It definately was not easy. I was able to get an interview by writing an email to the nurse supervisor on the ward that...
  8. I am a new RN with 4 months experience in a per diem role and I have already been thrown into the role of charge nurse on a busy med-surg ward when staffing is always an issue on several occasions....
  9. vancomycin and peripheral iv's

    I remember having to hang a loading dose of IV vancomycin for one of my patients. It was to be run over 90 min, though I like to run it longer than that given it is so irritating to I made...
  10. I am from Canada, and yes casual, per diem and prn are all the same thing. I was hired to pick up sick calls, vacation relief time and any other vacancies that come up, therefore I get called non...
  11. I am a new grad and have recently been hired for a job floating between med/surg wards. I have been at this job for 3 months and have been picking up a lot of shifts, which is great. I typically get...
  12. dumbest nurse in the industry.

    I can relate to what you are feeling. I am a new grad myself and I have found the learning curve and the added responsibilites to be both great and also anxiety provoking. Some days I feel like the...
  13. RNs who choose/like being casual

    I am also a casual and I am liking the flexibility that it offers. I have been at this job for about 2 months now and I often get called 2 times a day to work that night or the next day. I find myself...
  14. Support group for CRNE June 2011

    I passed!!!!!*wineIm from BC, so happy! Hang in there everyone. Mine was in a large white envelope and had 2 papers in it, one congratualtions letter and a certificate stating i had successfully...