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All Content by bearscrubs75

  1. Hello there, West Texas: I'd like to hear from those nurses (e.g., RN, LPN) familiar with Big Bend Regional Medical Center in Alpine, Texas. I am planning to relocate to Marfa, Texas, a town 25 miles southwest of Alpine, after I graduate from nursing...
  2. Are nurse's all that and a bag of chips?

    Doing your job, being courteous to patients AND coworkers AND people in general is what we and everyone else on the planet should be doing----we are all members of the human family. *** You nailed it! Humility, kindness, respect, generosity, patience...
  3. Should I leave this racist town?

    ChutneyFries, I'm glad you're leaving that horrible place. Although I'm not African-American, I've worked in some incredibly homophobic hospital environments before - and no, it's not the same thing as being challenged by racism, I know that. But I w...
  4. Should I leave this racist town?

    Chutney, SERIOUSLY, come to Minneapolis-St. Paul. I'm the only White male in an ocean of different shades of Black and Brown. It's different here. We'd welcome you with open arms. - Ryan/Bearscrubs75
  5. Should I leave this racist town?

    Chutney, Come to Minneapolis/St. Paul. The majority of my fellow co-workers are Black (African immigrants) and everyone gets along. While Minneapolis isn't exactly a "Chocolate City" in the vein of Atlanta and New Orleans (love me some NOLA), it's VE...
  6. Reasons patients turn on their call light

    One of the female nurses I work with recently went to answer a call light and came back fuming. "Mr. K" was a frequent flier and usually on the light for a multitude of nonemergent reasons. Anyhow, the nurse came back and said, "He told me he needed ...
  7. "Houston we have a problem" This just got very real

    Annie, your children come first. They need their mother. You're right, no one is prepared for this. Let's face it: you wouldn't be given proper PPE for the suspected Ebola patient and you would have to juggle his/her needs in addition to your other 4...
  8. "Houston we have a problem" This just got very real

    Here's a scenario for all of you: You work at a large urban hospital, let's say CCC/ICU day shift. You come on and get your report for the day. One of your patients discharges to a step-down unit at 10:00 am. Suddenly, the charge nurse approaches you...
  9. "Houston we have a problem" This just got very real

    Girl, probably a cheap mask and gown. You know those tight asses ain't ready to fork over the thousands of dollars necessary to pay for the expensive Hazmat suits and sealed respirators.
  10. "Houston we have a problem" This just got very real

    That is just an excuse to leave us unprotected with cheap flimsy gowns and masks rather than the real deal expensive hazmat suits and respirators we should be wearing! I want this jerk to come and take care of an Ebola patient in this flimsy outfit! ...
  11. "Houston we have a problem" This just got very real

    Fellow Nurses, how is this virus managed in a health care setting? Is it droplets or airborne precautions? Airborne would be dried particulate that escapes the nares or mouth and travels through the air, landing on another person and/or inhaled into ...
  12. Can't communicate with the new nurses

  13. Can't communicate with the new nurses

    esme, sorry about the racist thing i jumped the gun -- thanks for posting the links for me, but i will seriously have an mi if i read about this new "visas" bill. i'll be sick to my stomach and ****** off the rest of the day. i need something light a...
  14. Can't communicate with the new nurses

    Merlee, My maternal grandparents were Quaker Brits, German-Jew and Irish. Their parents were both immigrants here at the turn of the 20th century. My father's mother is Irish (her ancestors probably immigrated here during the nineteenth-century pota...
  15. Can't communicate with the new nurses

    Esme, I'm not racist. This is not about race or ethnicity, I swear. I'd be as irate if the U.S. was bringing in Brits, Germans, and Irish (facets of my own European ancestry) to compete with Americans for jobs. It's about corporate G-R-E-E-D. It's ab...
  16. Can't communicate with the new nurses

    WHITE-COLLAR IMMIGRATION (sorry, this is going to sound very bitter): The always cost-effective United States is currently bringing in immigrants from around the world (e.g., Russia, India, China, Filipines) to compete with Americans for high-salary ...
  17. Reasonable Nursing School GPA?

    Hi all -- I'm a Level 2 (i.e., second-semester) nursing student right now at Santa Fe Community College in New Mexico. My GPA from Level 1 was a sold 3.0. This semester, I'm struggling with Adult Nursing/Med-Surg 1 exams. The material isn't difficul...
  18. Reasonable Nursing School GPA?

    HiddenCat and OldNurseEd - Many newly minted RNs have left the NE and have come out West to work because of the competition for jobs. I am from the NE and completed my undergraduate degree at a ****** private college in Boston: 16 years ago, nursing ...
  19. Reasonable Nursing School GPA?

    OldNurseEd, I agree with you wholeheartedly: a 4.0 GPA in nursing school does not necessarily make one a good nurse. Nursing is a multifaceted, dynamic discipline: academic proficiency is only one slice of the pie, right? As an instructor, I'm sure y...
  20. Reasonable Nursing School GPA?

    Hi there. And thank you for responding to my post. The material isn't necessarily easy, it's 200-level college anatomy and physiology-based with some basic chemistry. I enjoy science, especially biology, and mathematics, so I find the material intere...
  21. Reasonable Nursing School GPA?

    Amen to that, sister.
  22. Hi All - This message is particularly directed at nurses whom have hired for hospitals and/or have been administrators on floors. In this economy, it has been painfully difficult for new graduates to gain employment directly out of nursing school. I...
  23. Anyone familiar with Big Bend Medical Center in Alpine, TX?

    Hi there. Actually, Santa Fe is full of posers and pretentious rich s**theads: it's really overrated. I've lived all over the country. Like everywhere else, Santa Fe is populated by people from, well, everywhere else, but chiefly transplants from w...
  24. Will ACLS certification increase my chances of employment?

    I'm not dissing BLS, but I still stand by the analogy BLS = pre-algebra and ACLS = calculus
  25. Will ACLS certification increase my chances of employment?

    ACLS = Advanced Cardiac Life Support PACLS = Pediatric Advanced Cardiac Life Support ** usually only ICU/criticial care/NICU nurses actively use these skills but it's good to know them anyhow - makes BLS skills look like stuff you'd find in a first...