

OB, (L&D, PP, & Nursery)

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All Content by Nervous_Nellie

  1. New to LNC--have been retained as expert witness---Advice please!!

    I can't tell you how much I appreciate the info!!! The contract/agreement is a fantastic pointer, and I will have one by the time I go tomorrow--I have become a quick study with all of this (out of necessity), and I really do want this attorney to ta...
  2. Hi! First of all, I would greatly appreciate any advice you could offer to me, as I have fallen into Legal Nurse Consulting purely by luck, divine intervention, flukie-ness, what have you... I have been a nurse for thirteen years, and have extensive ...
  3. lpn wants to be lactation consultant

    Are you going for your CLC (Certified Lactation Consultant)? If so, I thought that it was necessary to attend a seminar and then take the exam. At least around here (in Ohio), that's what they do. I wasn't aware of any need for clinical hours to do s...
  4. Circulating c-sections

    We are a rural hospital, and perform about 900 deliveries a year. There was a tremendous debate for years about us circulating sections, and it finally came to fruition about two years ago. The staff's concerns was, of course, staffing, and us runnin...