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About Sarah010101

Sarah010101 specializes in Med-Surg.

I am 20 years old, in my forth year of nursing school (BSN). Work as an employed student nurse (ESN) at a local hospital

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  1. 5 consecutive 12hr shifts

    WOW!... Thats OT here in Canada... if you are working four 12 hr shifts in a row (2 days, 2 nights)... then we are given 5 days off and then start the cycle all over again. Anything more is OT. I feel...
  2. What field of Nursing has the least, and most math?

    you will encounter math on any unit. Heck the unit i work on rarely has enough iv pumps for the amount of patients... we have to go back to good old taping the bag and counting drops..... try that...
  3. What's the task you like doing most on the job?

    changing patients sheets and cleaning the bedside... LOVE clean beds, and clean
  4. Disposable Bedpans?

    There is only one in our utility room. I only use the baggie if its an isolation patient. If its not, then i usually pop a gel pack in it to solidify and bring straight to the utility and drop it in...
  5. Disposable Bedpans?

    They have measuring lines, and also you are given the weights of the product, so you can weigh it and figure out how much the patient has
  6. Disposable Bedpans?

    Its called VERNA CARE We have it at the hospital i work at. And they are VERY durable. Basically there are bed pans (the sliders) the ones for the commode, urinal, and the wash basin that come in a...
  7. medication error

    50,000 units? I dont think I have ever seen this concentration before? Do they even use this dosage? Im sorry for youre mistake and the emotional distress you are experiencing at this time......
  8. Where are you from?

    Hi everyone... I am in my 4th year of Nursing School, Vancouver, BC. Looking to move back up north once i have finished preceptorship, so if you have any advice for jobs up there.. pm me
  9. Ft St John/Northern Health BC

    Hey everyone, I was wondering if there is any nurses on here who work for Northern Health in BC. I am just finishing my last year at the University of the Fraser Valley in Chilliwack, BC in the BSN...
  10. working while in nursing school

    Most do not work.. however we are finishing 3rd year now and here in Canada, BC you can be an ESN (employed student nurse)... so most of us are working as nurses in the hospital paid. I quit my other...
  11. What is the passing score for your school?

    60% is a pass... however for clinicals we have to do written evaluations in which if you do not meet at indictators you do not move on... and we have personal evaluations with instructors as well. we...
  12. Will move for work but where???

  13. Do Chiropractors Hires Nurses?

    I worked in a chiropractic office before nursing. It was just me and the chiropractor... no nurse (i was a student nurse.. but she didnt hire me for that purpose) . However the pharmacy i worked at...
  14. Medical vs Surgical nursing

    surgical patients are those who are either pre op, or post op patients. Many have drains, picc lines, CBIs, epidurals, dematone checks, LOTS of IV meds, stuff like that. Medical patients are those who...
  15. Fall 2011, what's your schedule?

    Nursing 305 multiple transitions 4 credits Nursing 307 Nursing research 4 credits Nursing 308 Nursing practice 5 credits and 20 weeks of palliative/medical clinical. HALF WAY DONE 3rd YEAR!!! I cant...