Tele, Stepdown, Med/Surg, education

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SRDAVIS has 10 years experience and specializes in Tele, Stepdown, Med/Surg, education.

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  1. Educator pay

    Always negotiate. I'm in Missouri and have taught for 6 years. I just took a full time faculty position at a college and was firm about my bottom line. I make comparable to what I made/make PRN. I...
  2. Give me a glimmer of hope. ..

    I have my MSN and have been teaching for 6 years, I've taught at all levels LPN, ADN and currently teaching at BSN level. There are a lot of MSN educators in the building. I was asked during the...
  3. teaching w/o med/surg experience?

    I agree with all of the above comments but it would really be beneficially to float to med surg floors because every where I've taught you have to do a med surg clinical even if you teach a specialty....
  4. studying for CMSRN exam

    Well I'm waiting on my authorization to test. I teach fulltime and have for the last 6 years and only work 2 days a month. I took the PCCN without much studying. I don't really plan on doing much...
  5. ANCC Medical Surgical Certification

    Yes nursing friend it is suppose to be harder than NCLEX, remember board test to see if you are minimally competent. A certification test if you an expert in this area. Congratulations --> glad...
  6. Avg teaching load

    I'm pretty sure the offer is coming, I meet with the Dean next week. I'm nervous because I'm sure they will be offering will be a pay cut for me. I currently teach in a PN program. It's fairly new...
  7. Avg teaching load

    Hey guys what is the average teaching load these days. At the community college and university level? I'm hearing 12-15credit hours per semester. My experience hasn't been at the community college or...
  8. Full time nurse educators

    I taught in an PN program while I completed my MSN. I still work in a PN program my schedule is pretty relaxed. I work Monday through Thursday with Friday as an optional half day. As a new...
  9. Looking for study buddy -CNE

    I just bought the new addition of Billings book, I have a few books from my masters program as well Evaluation and testing in nursing education developing and validating multiple choice test items...
  10. Looking for study buddy -CNE

    Well I'm going to get to reading this book by Billings set a date and go from
  11. Looking for study buddy -CNE

    Oh no bad instructor. I heard the test was pretty challenging. I'm just looking for someone to toss the information around with. Well good luck with the DNP program. I can't afford school again...
  12. Looking for study buddy -CNE

    how was the review
  13. I'm looking for someone to study with for
  14. Simulation

    I need help writing simulation, it is very hard. we just got a Sim man but I'm a little
  15. Students have NO idea...

    how much homework we do how hard it is to be creative, make learning fun and still cover the required material how often I wanna say " you gotta be freaking kidding me" lol how much we want to see...