Always negotiate. I'm in Missouri and have taught for 6 years. I just took a full time faculty position at a college and was firm about my bottom line. I make comparable to what I made/make PRN. I...
I have my MSN and have been teaching for 6 years, I've taught at all levels LPN, ADN and currently teaching at BSN level. There are a lot of MSN educators in the building. I was asked during the...
I agree with all of the above comments but it would really be beneficially to float to med surg floors because every where I've taught you have to do a med surg clinical even if you teach a specialty....
Well I'm waiting on my authorization to test. I teach fulltime and have for the last 6 years and only work 2 days a month. I took the PCCN without much studying. I don't really plan on doing much...
Yes nursing friend it is suppose to be harder than NCLEX, remember board test to see if you are minimally competent. A certification test if you an expert in this area. Congratulations --> glad...
I'm pretty sure the offer is coming, I meet with the Dean next week. I'm nervous because I'm sure they will be offering will be a pay cut for me. I currently teach in a PN program. It's fairly new...
Hey guys what is the average teaching load these days. At the community college and university level? I'm hearing 12-15credit hours per semester. My experience hasn't been at the community college or...
I taught in an PN program while I completed my MSN. I still work in a PN program my schedule is pretty relaxed. I work Monday through Thursday with Friday as an optional half day. As a new...
I just bought the new addition of Billings book, I have a few books from my masters program as well Evaluation and testing in nursing education developing and validating multiple choice test items...
Oh no bad instructor. I heard the test was pretty challenging. I'm just looking for someone to toss the information around with. Well good luck with the DNP program. I can't afford school again...
how much homework we do how hard it is to be creative, make learning fun and still cover the required material how often I wanna say " you gotta be freaking kidding me" lol how much we want to see...