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All Content by MHoldgrafer

  1. I have a few questions, and I can't seem to find some answers I understand... I'll be entering the military as a 68W for the next four years, but when I come out I want to go back to school and get my BSN(And reenter as a M6). Can you go to a school ...
  2. CNA While Getting ADN?

    Right now I've started taking classes at a local CC, so I may get into their Nursing Program. I was wondering if it would look better on paper for me to become a CNA A.S.A.P. while taking classes. 1) Because I need a job, and 2) I figure past employm...
  3. Nursing career...... here I come?

    There's a nation wide shortage of nurses, and odds are it's only going to increase. Finding work probably won't be a problem, especially if your university helps with career placement after graduation. Here's an article I found online: http://www.di...