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About misha12

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  1. Thank you very much!! All good points that really helped me in choosing - I will start in the CICU!!!
  2. To all CRNAs or SRNAs out there, PLEASE give me your opinion to help me choose my first job. I have been offered a position in a CICU in a large teaching hospital which has a CTICU that does the open...
  3. ever feel endangered outpt PMHNP

    hahaha zenman.... too clever!! BCgradnurse: what have you done in those types of situations? do you try to attract someone's attention who you work with or de-escalate by yourself? i just don't want...
  4. title pretty much says it all, for anyone in an outpatient practice, have you ever seriously felt endangered by a patient or had an issue occur where a patient threatened or did something negative...
  5. radiation exposure

    Thanks both of you for replying! That is scary that the x-ray techs aren't really giving you the option of protection... do your dosimeters always record "safe"
  6. I have shadowed a CRNA on two different occasions and neither of those have involved surgeries that used x-ray / fluoro. I had never really even thought about that as a job hazard (I know lead suits /...
  7. Call hours

    Interesting! Does anyone know if it is the same or different for part time
  8. cardiac rehab NP

    Carachel - can you tell me a bit about the rn's role in cardiac rehab / schedule / any way to move up in the
  9. Wtbcrna, as you can see, I posted about CNM in January. That was a fleeting thought after my OB rotation and I have since decided it is not for me. I have been interested in anesthesia since I was a...
  10. haha @ RN 543, thanks, and good luck with your own career!! srna: thank you, i'm getting the idea if you work in a hospital you can pretty much work any time of day/week? that's very
  11. Thank you all very much for your replies. I meant to be asking about flexibility while working specifically as a CRNA, not as an RN in the time preceding schooling for a CRNA. That is how I got the...
  12. FNP hours

    Thank you all! I just get worried when I read stories of "yes you can work in a clinic, but your hours slowly grow later and later". It's good to see it doesn't have to be that way! Carachel - thanks...
  13. FNP hours

    Thank you very much for your
  14. Hello everyone, I want to start this post by saying that I have seen other threads where people asked about how to make most convenient scheduling, and basically got berated by posters saying that...
  15. FNP hours

    Hello everyone! I am going to be honest and put it bluntly: I am a neurotic freak about trying to plan things in my life! I am soon to finish my bachelor's degree in nursing, and considering which...