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About golpn2010

BA Biology/MS Physiology/Molecular Biologist/Pharma Rep/Pharma Trainer/Science Teacher/ Now Nursing STudent, sigh....

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  1. Is is good to have a CNA, LPN and RN license?

    See all of this is good to know-but it's a shame that in this economy we cannot get whatever credentials we want and GO FOR IT. It's either all or none and that's just not good. Thanks for
  2. Is is good to have a CNA, LPN and RN license?

    GREAT perspective here! Thankyou. I thought I read a post where HR found out an MA or LPN passed her RN boards and immediately terminated the employee. Now that would succccccck! Please keep
  3. "Reason for Leaving"

    Moved on for a better opportunity ( the opportunity fell through due to budget cuts) Lay offs job ended I'm looking for a bigger challenge and to grow my career and I couldn't job hunt part time while...
  4. Im attending a school that has the option of CNA certification after the first sememster, LPN after the first yr and RN/ADN 2nd year. I chose this school because of all the options, thinking I would...
  5. it was a little antagonistic.....but im want to learn all i can, so let's
  6. "Voluntary Resignation"

    ps. ask for your work file from Hr and have a friend call up/or you call up for job verification. They will need your address and SS#. See what they say. A slick ques is: Is the candidate rehireable....
  7. "Voluntary Resignation"

    Ok, I come from a different industry and have experienced termination. First of all, all they can do is confirm your dates of employment. 1. Do what you have to do to get past the stigma of rejection...
  8. I will start a new thread, and not hijack this one . But, I DA as well. I have a BA in Biology an MS in PHysiology and 20yrs in Medical Field. I am published and certified in Personal training as...
  9. user 345678..so sad..so true...trust NO ONE! Drs will throw you under the bus in a NY minute, no
  10. Taking the Hesi and Freaking out!!!!

    yes, how did it
  11. Literally cried in front of the person interviewing me

    im sorry this happened to you. dont let anyone tell you you have NO exp. bring to the table all the experience you had BEFORE becoming a nurse. spin it and show how an avg nurse's day is lacking bc of...
  12. Kind of disappointed :/

    do it online univ of phoenix or
  13. Taking the Hesi and Freaking out!!!!

    well, there was nothing to prepare that for us in the 'study guide' so i held my breath and figured out the math. for ex .66 .07 .06 .1 I subtracted each number from the other .66-.07 .66-.06 .66-.1...
  14. Taking the Hesi and Freaking out!!!!

    I must say that I thought I bombed too, so dont be too surprised if those people passed. The book was a starting place for me to get a feel of what they were looking for-but online is where I was able...
  15. BSN/ASN confusion!!

    I chose the LPN route FIRST. MANY RN Schools will accept you after you get your LPN. And, atleast you can work after 1yr of school TOWARDS your RN online. Does that simplify life for