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About Sart45

Accepted to UCD College of Nursing, BSN; I've taught public school for 30 years and NEED at change!

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  1. CU Denver Nursing Spring 2012

    For those who got accepted CONGRATULATIONS!!! For those of you that didn't...DO NOT GIVE UP; originally I was not accepted for the Summer '11 program but then was called in April being offered a slot...
  2. UC Denver Summer 2011 BSN!!!!!!!!!!

    I was told there were over 1000 applicants for the summer 2011 program. Accepted-- Accelerated Program 20-25; Traditional program 100 and 9-10 in the Integrated Pathways
  3. CU Denver BSN Essay

    The directions specifically state: 1 page, SINGLE spacing, size 12
  4. University Colorado Nurse Residency This will tell you all about the ACP
  5. Any insight on Centura?

  6. CU Denver BSN Essay

    Hi Lindsaylat, Thanks for the congrats. And Good Luck to you! I did not apply to Regis...way too expensive. CU was the only place I wanted to go and the only school I applied
  7. CU Denver BSN Essay

    I am also starting CU this summer. I spent about 2 months working on my essay; I put it away for awhile and then reread it. Amazing how easy it was to condense things. It was a great idea to limit it...
  8. Should teachers have first aid training?

    As a public school art teacher for many years I was required to complete CPR/First Aid training; it was part of my job description. It was also required for the P.E. Teacher; classroom teachers who...
  9. CCD discontinues ADN nursing program.

    I had NO idea this was happening!!! What about Arapahoe CC; they have an ADN program. But to be honest I'm not surprised with everything I've been reading about lack of hiring especially for...
  10. Who is a professional nurse?

    This is an interesting topic. I worked as a CNA for 9 months; nurses wore different scrubs (style and color) than CNA's. I always introduced myself as the Certified Nursing Assistant. Because I am...
  11. I start nursing school (university) in June; we buy our own scrubs. I worked as a CNA at a hospital and we bought our own scrubs. I had one pair that I tossed in the wash as soon as I got home; I...
  12. Nursing School or not?

    I was just accepted to a 2 year BSN program at a VERY competitive university (I already have a BA and an MA); I'm supposed to start in June. This is a second career choice for me. I am older and...
  13. Help: Need Money for School

    just curious how you did this; were you paying a morgage or rent, insurance, utilitities, etc. etc. and saving money for school at the same time? i'm impressed. i start nursing school (bsn at a state...
  14. UC Denver Summer 2011 BSN!!!!!!!!!!

    latest on insurance...I called yesterday and actually talked to a person. If you have a GROUP plan (which I have) they will consider it even with a $1500 deductible, But I had to write a Letter of...
  15. UC Denver Summer 2011 BSN!!!!!!!!!!

    It's all so typical isn't it!!! Glad I'm not alone in this. All these additional fees just make me crazy not to mention