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All Content by baltdave

  1. John hopkins hospital and starting salary

    you have to think longterm on this decision...would you rather work in some community hospital that pays your a quarter more an hour than work at JHH ? think 5 or 10 years down the road then calculate the difference...also there are no new grad jobs ...
  2. In my past life I worked for many years downtown after working at UMMS (and I did get more $$ at JHH). The JHH of 25 years ago paid differently but not the JHH of today but the nonsense continues of people saying that. I have had the pleasure of work...
  3. Johns Hopkins or University of Maryland??

    good luck in your choice but one more thing....I have worked at both hospitals ( i know its not the same as the school) and have worked all around the country and guess what ? ? ? In LA, Seattle, Miami, or Memphis NO ONE has heard of University of Ma...
  4. Johns Hopkins or University of Maryland??

    Sorry but I have to agree with the poster who stated that the accelerated msn students dont meet the muster. They are better than the cna but not all that they think they are. The truth of the matter is that very VERY FEW of these nurses really want ...
  5. Do you know any good EKG books?

    I think that the greatest book regarding ecg interpretation is called "dubins rapid interpretation of the ecg" dont remember dubins first name but am sure you can find it cheap on or has been used by generations of physicians an...