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All Content by ERsn

  1. This is what i just don't get. Why are these awful people in this profession? This is what my ex CI was like and many of the students i find repulsive, too. Betxq: no one in my life seems to understand the reason i come home completely whiped out ...
  2. OMG Alex2010, that's pure insanity and so disgusting. I'm so sorry that happened to you.... wow.... what can i say? Shocking and really disturbing.
  3. Hey everyone, I don't know what's wrong with me, but i feel like my anxiety is out of control... especially this semester ( my 2nd) Clinicals are a nightmare for me.. i feel like i can't do anything right and i'm always frazzled. Last semester i was...
  4. First i wanna give you a hug ::hug:: :) Also, i really relate to how you're feeling, because i feel the way you do just about every second i'm at clinical. You're instructor sounds like a _____... yelling at you is rediculous. I guess the reason it s...
  5. Thank you Sandyfeet and Keepnitreal for your encouragement! :redbeathe
  6. Thank you Stcroix, Just the fact that i'm not alone makes me feel better. I guess i just felt like an outsider seeing other people in my group either looking board to death being at cliinical or cool as a cucumber. I need to meditate or something.
  7. Nurses Deserve More Respect!

    I've gotten that attitude from people, and i've also had people look at me in amazement.. they think nursing is a wonderful thing. Honestly, this is a little off topic, but the more i'm in school (2nd semester rn student) I'm just amazed at what nu...
  8. Choked up over a pt today

    This is making me tear up to!
  9. Thank you both for understanding and hearing me out!!! It's a relief to know i'm not the only one feeling this way.... i tend to feel alone a lot with my feelings... i always seem to feel that people have all their stuff together and i'm drowning. It...
  10. lmao that's funny:lol2:
  11. I was told nursing may not be for me because i didn't appear "happy" while emptying an illeostomy bag (it was my first time too, so i wasn't exactly sure of what to do, or expect) ... lmao. I mean, Come on! Some instructors need to quit pushing their...
  12. Hey Betxq, I hear what you're saying. I'm in my 2nd semester of NS and the negativity i expereince from peers, my ex clinical instructor ( she was something else....)... is constant. I've been talked down to and treated like (fill in blank)______ lol...
  13. Hey everyone, I have this pair of nursing shoes that are torture to my feet.... i have cuts on my feet because of these things!! My feet hurt so bad, any really comfy shoes out there? They can't be clogs :*( Thanks!
  14. Love you!
  15. Backstabbing/Gossip in Nursing School

    Wow... i could have written this!!! You know, the best thing you can do is pay them no mind and kick ass in your classes!!! That's what i did/doing, and my gpa's a 3.9!! That's the best way to give them a big F-U! LOL Don't forget why you're there....
  16. Hey everyone! Well, i went for an interview today for a volunteer position in the NICU, and i think i might have gotten it! But, i have a concern. I would love to be employed in this nicu, but the head nurse told me that they don't hire adn's and th...
  17. Hey everyone! Well, i went for an interview today for a volunteer position in the NICU, and i think i might have gotten it! But, i have a concern. I would love to be employed in this nicu, but the head nurse told me that they don't hire adn's and th...
  18. Hey everyone... I hope this is the right forum to post this. Is it just me, or does anyone ever feel lonely? This is something i feel on a regular basis and dont know what to do about it.. Its so frustrating because i always feel so alone. I dont hav...
  19. Volunteering in NICU

    Hey everyone:) I still a way to go, but once i graduate from my RN program, i would love to get into the NICU. Do you think volunteering is a good way to possibly get a position in the nicu? Also, the volunteer dept. said i wouldnt be allowed to hol...
  20. Hey everyone, I would like to get some experience volunteering in a NICU in the queens/long island area, but i'm having some trouble finding hospitals with the specialty. If you know of any hospitals, could you please list them (the specific town th...
  21. Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone could please give me any tips or advice on how i could get into NICU once I have my R.N (I'm only in my first semester! lol). I would love to work in this specialty, but don't really have any idea of how i can ...
  22. Tips on getting into NICU after graduation...

    Thanks everyone for your advice!! Just saw all the great tips and i'm grateful!!! I'm going to call up a local hospital and see if i can volunteer to be a cuddler or some other kind of help in the NICU. Thanks again for your help!!!! :redbeathe:re...
  23. Why Didn't You Go To Med School?

    I think being a doc is a bit overrated.
  24. Why Didn't You Go To Med School?

    I hate getting asked that!! Grrrr... lol even though i'm still in school, what can i say, i wanted to do something i felt was meaningful. I know i know, a Dr's work is important too, but there's something about nursing that just can't be touched. I...
  25. Thanks everyone for your posts :)) It's even more frustrating when family isn't supportive and often are the ones to blow your off and make you feel worse. I'm in my early 20's too, and it's not getting easier