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All Content by ejm99

  1. How to deal with divorce, work, school

    I want to thank you for this post. As a current LVN student who just started 2nd semester out of 3...and whose husband who has just (about 2 hours ago) dropped the bombshell that he feels the need to...
  2. Which nursing diagnosis is most important?

    I agree... ABC's then
  3. drug calculation

    I would love to see this problem worked out. As a student just beginning dosage calc and Pharm...it freaked me out just reading
  4. so? Did you officially
  5. NCLEX PN Review Help!! I keep failing

    I'm in LVN school now but I would think it would be really difficult to pass the NCLEX 5 yrs after you finished class. I had a difficult time just remembering everything we learned before the 4 wk...
  6. I messed up really bad need help

    I don't want to beat you up...I know you feel bad enough BUT.... If you REALLY want to be a nurse then you need to pull it together. The fact your appt slipped your mind ( ????) totally baffles me....
  7. Help paying for the lvn program

    I agree that you should finish your CNA before applying. Honestly you need to be studying for your enterence exam WAYYYYYYYY before applying because that's a major factor in whether you'll be...
  8. Having 2nd thoughts I think....

    You don't have to LOVE clinicals. Many of us don't. Not every rotation will appeal to you and some will be heartbreaking (we are about to work at a LTC children's 'home' so I'm gearing myself...
  9. eeeewwwww...math! I'm in LVN school too and we are just beginning Pharm....which translates to "you MUST pass a medical math test with a 90 before proceeding". Which is ej speak means "your in he$%!"...
  10. 4th day of school, and the instructor hates me...

    Trust me...do not become "THAT Girl". Not only will the instructor be annoyed by you...so will your classmates. I'm going to point something out to you, please don't be offended that isn't my...
  11. Dude! That is WAY crazy! I agree w/ the others...my self preservation instinct would probably be kicking in about now and I'd very much want to ask WHY such a comment is considered to be offensive? I...
  12. Hesi Exit Exam-RN exit exam

    In my LVN program we are required to take the Hesi Exit exam as well. We were told it's an excellent predictor of how we will do on the NCLEX but my instructor said that most people who have taken...
  13. I'm really depress, mad and confused..

    I think there is still a demand for Nurses...RN's in particular. It's harder to get in a hospital as a LVN here in Houston...but you can go to a stepdown hospital or specialty hospital...first..then...
  14. Is this Wrong?

    Nope. If you want to achieve your goals you have to have
  15. 2nd semester LVN student...will finish in August. I was prepared....to a point. The first semester really flew by. I feel bad because I feel like I do neglect my kids and husband but at the same...
  16. My Volunteer Story

    thank you for sharing your story. Sometimes we get so bogged down and overwhelmed we forget why we are working so hard ....thanks for the
  17. What's a good reason to quit nursing school?

    Clinicals are certainly not my favorite thing. I agree and have been told by many nurses that they are nothing like the real thing but I think you need to look at the big picture here. There is...
  18. Hipaa Violation

    I'm agree while it is a HIPPA violation. Printing anything w/ a patient identifer on it is a NO NO in my program, I know that nurses sometimes print info that they feel will be helpful in our...
  19. Honestly they ask for a transcript of your high school grades but that's it. They won't count against you to gain admission to the Nursing program BUT....to get into the college you want to attend...
  20. There were TWO books that were on our list as required that we didn't use. We weren't even given lecture on topics from those books. And....one of the books we were told any book on that topic would...
  21. will i get into school for next semester?

    Depends on the school policy. You need to talke w/ admissions at the school you want to transfer to before you plan anything else
  22. Student in dire need of advice.

    I am definitely among those that believe you should follow your dream BUT I'm also a realist. WHY is entering a program at the school you currently attend a "no go"? Is it the pre reqs your going to...
  23. What did you struggle with most in nursing school?

    I'm currently in LVN school. I am an older student w/ a family (hubby and kids, youngest is 10). I'm of the school of thought that you really can't prep for what your going into. School is hard, the...
  24. Lunch?

    I pack my lunch most days. I usually plan on taking leftovers from the night before. Being that I have a family of 5 I normally pack a container for my lunch BEFORE calling everyone to...
  25. Angry mom made me cry last week

    I don't think it's wise to give report in front of a parent. Your giving information that sometimes the doctor needs to address and discuss with the parents regarding treatments. You aren't allowed...