First off, yes, OR experience counts just like any other. In fact, in my department we have had difficulty finding someone with expertise in that area and would welcome it. Some of the biggest...
I have seen both sides of this. I think it should be required to have nursing experience, particularly in a hospital setting, to specialize in informatics. So much of what we do is about making the...
I must have worked in an unusual unit, because I can honestly say I'm surprised to hear that anyone doesn't appreciate a patient sitter. We got them so rarely and needed them so often that we treated...
Maybe you're taking it too personally. Perhaps the comment was in regard to that particular patient and not that a sitter isn't necessary ever. I've worked ICU, and believe me, when we have a...
I'm curious why you chose Epic. Are you sure you'll be working in a facility that uses it? My facility uses McKesson, the one across the street from us uses Meditech, and the one 20 miles away uses...
JulieCVICURN replied to pixiestudent2's topic in General Nursing
Just normal strength with no issues like back problems should be able to handle it. I'm not particularly strong even though I'm not a 100 lb girl (I'm a bigger girl than that!), but those carts are...
It was unprofessional. It seems perfectly logical to me for the CN to load herself up with patients so that she doesn't have to take an admission, because she's got additional responsibilities. One...
The doctor is an ass for shaming you that way. If I had a dollar for every time I called a doctor before I realized I already had a PRN (when I was new), I'd be able to buy dinner at Outback....
JulieCVICURN replied to dropbears101's topic in General Nursing
Two things - you are a little overly worried (just a little, though, not crazy) and your coworkers seem to have some pretty careless, disgusting behaviors.
At our facility, when you show up for your free mandated flu shot there is a paper that you fill out that asks if you had a reaction before. You can check yes and a box that says "Refused due to...
In most institutions there's a behavioral reporting structure for situations like a doctor treating you the way you describe, so if you're not comfortable confronting them, use the hotline/reporting....