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About rainbows4me

RN - June '04

Latest Activity

  1. New grad in the nicu

    Congratulations on passing the boards! It takes a long time to become comfortable in NICU. Some people are more natural with organization and time management than others, and as a new grad, you're...
  2. Bubble CPAP chin strap help!!

    Looking for some help here... Our unit uses bubble cpap. We have been struggling with ideas for chin straps on our babies who continually have their mouths gaping open, and thus stop bubbling and...
  3. Would you consider a home birth?

    Great book! I have read this book, along with many other midwife/doula/homebirth books. And yes, I am a NICU nurse, and yes, I've had a midwife birth with a free standing birthing center, and yes, I...
  4. Would you consider a home birth?

    Now let's be fair. You honestly think that bad things don't happen in hospitals? That a bad birth at home would have been a great birth in the hospital?? I hate it when people assume that a...
  5. Would you consider a home birth?

    To be honest - I'm glad I'm done having babies! As a NICU nurse, the blissful ignorance is gone - I have seen the bad outcomes of birth. Bad outcomes of hospital births and bad outcomes of home...
  6. Sick Time for Nurses in NICU

    Which is an easier moral to follow if you aren't risking losing your job for calling out. Not as simple as worrying about your paycheck, it's worrying about your career, your evaluations, not to...
  7. Pneumograms

    We do "5 channel studies" which along with the regular HR/RR/sat also monitor esophageal pH. Never saw so many kids diagnosed with reflux as those on our unit... wonder how many kids off the street...
  8. Stress Scale

    Seems like it's usually a 2-3 or a 8-10... Not usually in middle! And our whole unit seems to be that way as well - either we go a whole shift with no admission or we're getting 3 admissions,...
  9. how long have you been...

    A year and a half. Love the work I do, don't always love the politics of such a seasoned unit. Like yours, ours has many 25+ year veterans, many of whom started in our unit as new
  10. Knocking on isolette

    I have to agree, that while it's not my first choice, i've done it many times. Last night, in fact, I was forced to as well! When your hands are dirty and you see a brady to the 50s, sat in the 60s...
  11. what do CNA's do in the NICU?

    Our unit uses "technical associates", which are often CNAs. They do heelstick blood draws, Algos, car seat tests, and help with feedings, baths, weights, vitals, stocking, etc. We are a 50+ bed...
  12. what's your policy on switching out isolettes?

    seven days here as
  13. We use 23 weeks and 400 grams as a cut off. Our outcomes with 23 weekers (23 and change) have not all been bad, but certainly the majority of them do not survive without major problems along the...
  14. Dopamine question

    Our dopa/dobuta is mixed together (same syringe) in a dosage based on the kilos of the baby in either single or double strength. I think it's similar to what Gomper's described. We then have a chart...