wooh BSN, RN


About wooh

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  1. wooh

    Pay for parking?

    We don't, but those that work in the city rather than the suburbs get the joy of paying for parking. Strangely, I don't find that as bad as charging patients/visitors for parking. Which the bigger...
  2. wooh

    Going "Above and Beyond" UGH

    It's a bit better than the hospital constantly hitting the staff up for donations. But not much.
  3. wooh

    Male patient refuses Female Nurse

    One: You probably need to get that on a medic-alert bracelet. Because in a trauma, even if it's in your pocket, nobody is going to see that until after they've cut your clothes off and are looking at...
  4. wooh

    Male patient refuses Female Nurse

    A billion years ago when I worked at a nursing home as a CNA, I had an awesome DON that happened to be male. We were short one day and he was working the floor with us lowly aides. Went to change...
  5. wooh

    CPAP on the unit

    I'm not sure why hospital CPAP can't be used on a med/surg unit. It really doesn't require more monitoring than I'd be doing anyway except for responding to the occasional
  6. wooh

    AT&T Will Keep Your Grandma Out of the Nursing Home

    You can at least close a
  7. Is there anything being said here that is being taken as "Perhaps next time we do a survey, we could do a better job," or is it all being taken as, "People here are too stubborn to realize what a...
  8. wooh

    All Men Shift

    I've got a few male coworkers that have their stuff together. Don't mind working with them. Perhaps I should rethink my desire of not allowing men to be hired at
  9. If one needs to stay in their area, then one needs to research the job market in THAT AREA before getting a degree. It's like saying, "I want to be an astronaut but can only work in Arizona, why...
  10. wooh

    Male patient refuses Female Nurse

    Obnoxious doesn't equal lawsuit worthy. If it did, I'd be suing half the people that post on allnurses. (And I'm sure some would be suing
  11. wooh

    CPAP on the unit

    Because as a billing department, they don't have to do anything without orders (and thus reimbursement). It's like, "Why does nursing have to troubleshoot instead of PT coming to do it?" Because...
  12. wooh

    Male patient refuses Female Nurse

    Two staff in the room is for the protection of the provider. If the patient doesn't want that, as a provider, I'm going to be telling the patient to deal with it or go elsewhere. Whatever my gender...
  13. wooh

    Male patient refuses Female Nurse

    Legal action for what? What shall his attorney put as the cause of
  14. wooh

    AT&T Will Keep Your Grandma Out of the Nursing Home

    Reminds me of that episode of That 70s Show where Eric saw his parents and was traumatized. Ewwwwww!!!!!!
  15. wooh

    CPAP on the unit

    I had a family member with a home bipap machine. Was told something about a valve was different and thus why the hospital mask we brought home wouldn't work. I don't think every machine requires its...