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All Content by Laboratorian

  1. I can't copy and paste from my phone but when I googled "np autonomy" I found an article about a family practice group of NP's with admitting priviledges.
  2. thug got shot and crying

    That's just typical of men period (thug or not). Men fail in general when they get sick/injured. I have NEVER seen a woman cry for her mama.
  3. STILL don't have a job?? Vent here!

    I'll be sure to find and post a link for this but those who are out of work, there are organizations that you can volunteer for and get $$$$ knocked off your student loans.
  4. RN to BSN at University of Phoenix?

    There is a difference between accredited and respected. Yes, UofP is fully accredited; but not everywhere respected (you can see that from this thread alone). There are many hiring managers who by their own personal opinions, don't respect online ...
  5. OCD at work

    I am. My coworkers will purposely mess with me by moving my supplies around (I have to start with an even # agar plates or I'll freak out).
  6. A nurse doubling as security?

    Psych floor would be perfect for you.
  7. Not sure how I'm going to survive

    Have u done a budget? Do u only work 3 12s? Can u not add 1 more day?
  8. Nurse stealing Dilaudid

    OMG! I can't believe 2 folks gave you kudos for this post, lol! This OP's life is seriously in danger. In case you don't know, snitches get got! She's about to destroy (even though she is in the right) 2 people's livelyhood. Their ability to pay b...
  9. Blacklisted CNA's, is there such thing?

    The healthcare community in Alabama is known for it. The only people I know to get blacklisted are those who had SERIOUS mental health issues or drug problem (coming to work high on crack).
  10. Tired of being FAT and having low self esteem

    Take baby steps: first thing would be to stop ordering in food. That's VERY expensive! If you love food so much, you should make cooking new (and healthy) foods a fun activity! Fyi: koren and thai food soooo much fun to cook and have less fat than...
  11. Tattoos and body jewelry policies in hospitals

    It depends on the hospital. The one I used to work at didn't care. Many doctors, nurse, techs, etc. walked around with tats and tongue rings visible. Im "tatted up" but I NEVER showed my tats when working directly with patients. My hair covered ...
  12. Who draws the blood at your hospital?

    I worked for 7 years as a hospital phlebotomist. A nurse drawing blood was unheard of at my hospital. The nursing staff was already short staffed, why put even more work on them?
  13. Comforable shoes for us large nurses

    5'8 275 nike shoxs with dr sholls gel insoles
  14. Time for a Title Change

    How about Medical clinician? Instead of RNs y'all would be MCs Uh.......I can't think of anything else.