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All Content by Laboratorian

  1. First let me touch on the stupid part: until I started lurking on this forum I didn't know the meaning of professional autonomy. And I feel embarassed to say that as a member of the healthcare community, I didn't know the full scope of practice of ...
  2. NP's specializing in dermatology have MD's panties in a wad I see.
  3. Online Science Courses

    FYI: It takes 8-10 weeks for your financial aid to get processed at OCC. I just found this out today. I got off the phone with OCC and was told that my financial aid should be processed by the end of October. I will be good to go for the Spring and...
  4. The lab would be perfect for you. As long as you are not working in Micro (sending damn tampons in a cup, filling a stool cup to the BRIM with poo, yall know poo produces methane gas...what do you think happens when I open that FULL cup?). Get a job...
  5. Major Vent

    Bilingual RNs will replace all of you. LOL, have you guys ever assumed that an RN spoke spanish because they looked Hispanic. This poor guy in ICU would always get the Hispanic patients and was confused as why. I have also encountered people who were...
  6. Over riding a resident?

    I hate commenting on nurse things but I want to make sure I'm reading this clearly... The reason you sought out an override was because it was 0600 and you were ready to go? Is this really a valid reason?
  7. Online Science Courses

    well, well, well............. turns out occ financial aid office is really backed-up (possibly incompetent). i called the week before last and was told the my finacial aid would not be ready for a very long time and my best bet was to make payment ar...
  8. Hijab (headscarf) Nurses

    Seen plenty of MD's wearing hijab. No nurses.
  9. Online Organic Chemistry Class

    I'm curious to know what it says on the transcript. I contacted the college I wanted to transfer to and have not heard back yet.
  10. Online Science Courses

    I'm enrolled for general chem I & physics I at OCC. The financial aid office is hell. I hope they get everything processed in time.
  11. Charge nurse with less than a year RN experience???!!

    *stupid question * What are the specific responsibilities of a charge nurse?
  12. Honors BSN unable to find job. Can the college be sued?

    Wait, are you middle eastern? Dubai is always hiring nursing, even new grads. Hell, they are even hiring RNs as lab technicians. I wish I could move to Dubai......
  13. Honors BSN unable to find job. Can the college be sued?

    I'm going to side with the OP. The OP should do it for the principle of the matter: colleges and universities not disclosing information that would warrant potential students from enrolling in a program that would more than likely provide them with a...
  14. I want to leave what do I do?!

    Work as a special needs childcare provider (that is if you like kids)
  15. Online Science Courses

    About to get a definite answer from UAB on the equivalentcy of UNE's courses. I went ahead and mentioned that the course was online.
  16. Online Science Courses

    Forgot to add. BYU has the genetics course for cheaper. And the instructor for the immunology course is a nut (so says the internet).
  17. Online Science Courses

    Genetics & Immunology
  18. Online Science Courses

    Ok, I factored in the cost (Ocean county college vs. CCConline) and Ocean county is cheaper. I noticed that CCConline charges your for 5 credits and you know when you transfer to university it's only going to count as 4. I need that extra $200. I a...
  19. Online Science Courses

    BLESS THE OP FOR THIS THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's strange how I could not google this information. I need to tak bio I & II, chem and micro.
  20. NO LUNCH??? NO BREAKS??? Is that common in nursing?????

    This thread=the reason charts have hot sause & ranch stains. There is no way in hell I would be able to work a job without a minimum 45min lunch break. And if I'm working over 12hrs I need an additional 45mins for a nap! Without I would surely d...
  21. The mask does not help, at all. It is so uncomfortable to breathe with it too.
  22. A nurse friend of mine passed away: A WARNING TO ALL

    Are home health nurses permitted to carry a gun?
  23. What Is Your Most Gross, Yucky, Disgusting Nursing Horror Story?

    FYI my dear nurses: when someone leaves a tampon in for 3+ months, do not send the tampon in a cup for a culture. Just swab the green, yellow, black, & gray mucus off of it and throw it away; because that is what the lab is gonna do anyway. It...
  24. So they want RNs to have the power to train CNAs to be like LPNs, but for less pay? Can someone please provide a link. I have got to read this!
  25. If nursing paid 8-fiddy, hopitals would have to hire english translators.