
Started in PA, now in TX

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About CABGx4

CABGx4 has 5 years experience as a ASN, BSN, MSN, CRNA and specializes in Anesthesia.

5 years nursing experience. Just over 5 as a CRNA.  life is good!

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  1. I'm I western PA and made almost 180k last year with some OT in there. In general, big cities will pay less than small rural cities and towns. I have friends that moved to rural Texas and made a base...
  2. I was going to answer your question until I read this
  3. CRNA Hours

    It's like the op said. If you can think up a schedule, it exists somewhere. Small hospital or's are likely done by 3. Bugger ones work around the clock and all shifts need coverage. Mine is a ten week...
  4. I don't check this site anymore but I got an email alert about your post. í ½í± I'd be happy to talk to you. Can you pm on this site? I'm not even sure anymore. If not just reply. I graduated...
  5. math 149. verbal 151. essay 4. old scoring equivalent 1080. just finished 2nd semester;) good
  6. I don't think there is a big difference as far as increasing your odds of getting into school. What matters is how much you learn and excel at your position. FYI I had 2 yrs MICU and 2 CTICU. Good...
  7. There are plenty of other ways to stand out without wasting time and money on an
  8. Skip the NP!!! Do not use that as a stepping stone toward CRNA. If u want CRNA, pursue that feverishly. U need at least one year of cv exp so I would go to community college and retake micro--and get...
  9. may you help me

    Hmmm.. A sensitive bunch. All I'm saying is a lil initiative can go a long way. Anesthetists are not the kind of folks who need spoon fed information. If your really interested, pm me and I'll help...
  10. may you help me

    I think google can help you. If you are too lazy to research the requirements yourself, you are probably too lazy for a career in nurse
  11. Average age of SRNA?

    I will turn 34 the day before my classes start this fall. Cudos to all you youngins out there who can handle this amount of responsibility. When I was 22, I had plenty of other things on my
  12. Central line placement left IJ

    Just take the cap off and if blood squirts across the room you'll have your answer. But seriously it sounds venous ESP with the fistula in that arm. On X-ray, the central line would not reach the...
  13. Just Hired for Cardiac ICU

    Congrats on your new position. Other than frequent drips used, learn how to read a 12 lead EKG i.e. what leads and associated abnormalaties correlate to which coronary arteries. You will impress a lot...
  14. Any advice for a novice CCU nurse?

    Do not listen to this one. Alarms are there for a reason. Yes, many nurses let unnecessary alarms ring all night long and this is why alarm fatigue is such a major issue in ICU's. But that one alarm...