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About FNimuaeMae

Night owl

Latest Activity

  1. Hey, give yourself a break, I give you huge kudos for going into critical care fresh out of nursing school. I myself did 5 years of med surg before I made that transition, and believe me, I was...
  2. Would you give birth at the hospital where you work?

    HE double L NO! The maternity unit at our small community hospital is called the lady partsl bypass unit. In addition to all the usual ICU stuff I have to do at the job, we have to recover their C...
  3. I was slapped by a doctor!

    OMG, he needs his orifice kicked in a big way. Please keep us updated on this situation. You owe it to yourself and all the other nurses out there that could be potentialy assaulted by this "MD"....
  4. Feacal Management Systems???

    At one of my jobs they have one called flexiseal... which are awesome for people with liquid stool. They are inserted rectally, have a water cuff you don't need to periodically release pressure from...
  5. I went the ADN route, did the extra classes and got into an RN-BSN bridge program at UMass that only took one year. I was the only one in my class who hadn't passed boards that first semester when we...
  6. Shoes with Good Support!

    All I can say is that MBT's are totally worth the $250 price tag. I love love LOVE mine!
  7. They called the cops!

    One of the night xray guys didn't show up at my old job, really reliable guy, and they went to his place and found him dead from a heart attack in the shower... it was terrible, he was such a nice...
  8. Croc's

    I love Crocs too but got a pair of MBT's and they have helped SOooo much! Was suffering with plantar fasciitis most of the year but the MBT's have totally helped. Worth the price tag, and if you...
  9. dirty scruabs

    I'd say different people are different. Some wish they could strip to the bare skin before entering their houses and wish they had a shower in the garage and some just wear their scrubs on errands...
  10. The Doctor said WHAT?

    Ummm... being a professional nurse among doctors does not mean you have to be "subordinate".
  11. Transfusion too fast?

    Sometimes you've gotta do what you've gotta do... time wise.
  12. MN to CT

    And you have to get it notarized if I remember... I hate getting paperwork together! They renew the nursing licenses every year, and just upped the fee for RN from $50/yr to
  13. I work 3 12 hour shifts... And I am on vacation right now. I squished everything together...and got 20 days in a row off for taking 2 weeks off. Its been great.
  14. Night Shifters!!!!

    I'm usually dragging my orifice way too much after a 12 hr shift (or 13, or 14 hr) to get there, but some of my coworkers do it. Its just hard when you have a long commute and need to get back in 12...
  15. New Milford Hospital info??

    Well, I'm looking for something a little bit smaller versus where I am right now, and I'm not so sure Danbury would be that size. It was very nice when I interviewed there several years ago though....