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All Content by Male_Chicago


    Lately ive been very interested in applying/working for VA hospitals. Does anyone have any experience working VA hospitals? Tell me about your experience. Do/did you like it or not, why?
  2. Received grades for 1st semester...

    When we used to play bball we always had the attitude of "play like youre down!" So we would be up 20 points but we would play as if we were actually DOWN 20 points even though when we looked up at the score board we knew there was no way in hell the...

    nice. thank you! helps a lot!
  4. Should I be upset about this?

    dont take it personally. its probably policy. u did smart thing by applying rite away. i hope u get it!

    sounds good. thanks for the reply! i heard that the va hospitals were like nursing homes if not worse. its good to hear some good things from ppl who worked va hospitals for considerable amount of time. ill definitely be applying.
  6. Exposure to Hepatitis B. Help!

    dont sweat it. mind over matter. several years ago a nurse had left a used needle on patients bed i put my hand on it and got stuck very badly. the patient had several issues going on. i was taken to er immediately and all that good stuff. there has ...
  7. Chicago Burbs Pay Rate for CNA/PCT

    Are they hiring?
  8. Run far away from malcolm x

    whats going on with malcolm x? they recently lost their physicians assistant program also i think. i visited the school twice, i was actually thinking to take classes there...
  9. starting to do agency..scared

    Ive been working agency for the past 4 years. I LOVE IT! I do week to week, I change my schedule at the begining of every week depending on MY personal schedule for that week. In the past I used to take it month to month. I frequent 4 hospitals. I lo...
  10. Chicago Burbs Pay Rate for CNA/PCT

    How is advocate?
  11. Chicago Burbs Pay Rate for CNA/PCT

    I LOVE central dupage hospital! I heard their float pays up to 17.50 for pct
  12. Chicago Burbs Pay Rate for CNA/PCT

    I know a place, nursing home, that pays like $13.50 for pm shift. But recently they had a terrible death there and then a fall leading to death and got heavily sued and fined so idk if its such a good place to work anymore...