Shelby R.

Shelby R.

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About Shelby R.

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  1. Fall 2010 Class Schedule: Is it too much?

    Because you are a pre-nursing student, I think that you might need to get used to what it will feel like once you take the nursing courses. The courses that you are taking is a perfect amount, with A+P being the most difficult. But they are even clos...
  2. Help I need an elective for this upcoming semester...

    I highly recommend that you take a statistics course because if you ever choose to move on to a masters program, they require that you recieve a "C" in Statistics. Also, I recommend that you take a Spanish Course, possibly "Spanish for the Health Pro...
  3. Any Good Books to Read Before Nursing School?

    I like the NCLEX reading idea for the Summer. But which NCLEX book do you recommend? There is SOO many! LOL
  4. What to expect in a two-year Nursing Program

    WOW. Is all that work just for Nursing? Cuz like I said in my earlier post, starting my first semester, it will consist of Nursing 1 with the co-req Pharmocology, and A + P 1. How hard is Pharmocology and A and P 1? I just want an idea of how much wo...
  5. What to expect in a two-year Nursing Program

    Thankfully, I don't plan on working during Nursing School so that I can be 100% dedicated to the program. So like you said, that might be easier on me... hopefully lol. So I've been reading alot of posts about people recommending to do some reading b...
  6. What to expect in a two-year Nursing Program

    Thanks! You all gave really good advice. About the pre-reqs situation, I have some of my sciences out of the way and I'm taking some classes over the summer. Starting this fall, my semester will consist of Anatomy and Physiology 1, Pharmocology, and ...
  7. Hey I recently got accepted into a 2-year Nursing Program! I am very excited but also very nervous at the same time. Is there anybody that is going through a 2-year Nursing Program and has any advice on what to expect? I am a straight A student in Hi...