

LTC, Rehab

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All Content by djh123

  1. My experience is probably wildly different, as I was 50+ when I got my BSN. Couldn't get hired at a handful of hospitals - couldn't even get INTERVIEWED at the 2 biggest in town (grrrrr)... ended up at a nursing home/rehab place totally by accident ...
  2. I use my pen ALL DAY, writing notes to myself, filling out lab sheets, signing off for this and that, etc. And yeah, it's a huge pet peeve of mine too, for a new CNA, or one that rarely works with me, to say 'Oh, do you have a pen?'. I feel like sa...
  3. Wearing scrubs home?

    Wow... I wish we had that type of situation. I bought all of my scrubs I wore at my first job, and in my current one, my facility requires a certain color & type, and they provided an allowance but I had to pay some because I got an upgrade on m...
  4. Death and Repossession

    Vent all you want! I'm so sorry, particularly about your dad. I've had numerous bombs dropped on me too, and have finally come out on the other side. Hang in there as best as you can.
  5. It just needs to be said.

    Amen to that. I just worked 28+ hours Thu/Fri in my crazy new job.
  6. How many patients do student nurses have?

    I usually had one in clinicals, maybe helping a little with someone else, until my preceptorship, when the nurse I was under and I would sometimes split the load, with me asking her questions or for help when needed, and I'd help her with some of her...
  7. Manager said something covertly racist

    Well let's see: at my new job, a social worker said the f-word to some CNA's *in a patient's room* yesterday (yes, they reported her), and today, a patient asked me to do something instead of the night nurse who had just come on, and I suspect it was...
  8. New qualified nurse. Legs and KILLING me

    I only wear my work shoes for about 6 months, get new ones, and the work shoes then become my next-best pair, to eat out in, run errands in, etc. Gotta use the best ones at work (unless of course you also need great ones for running/hiking/whatever)...
  9. So much anger

    Hey, just glad for you, and I for one don't look down on any kind of nursing, period.
  10. Ongoing lice problem

    Just a related comment. This blew my mind. In my previous LTC/rehab facility, sometimes we'd get someone from a hospital who had pressure ulcers, or hadn't been changed any time recently. But a CNA at my new job told me that at her previous LTC fa...
  11. Demon spawn requires droplet precautions, right?
  12. Ask Dr. Fever

    Yeah, there are always alternatives - HQAP, LQAP, a la when I mentioned that my previous facility used non-essential oils instead of those pricey essential oils. Another thing we did there was to use ambiotics, the cheaper but still kinda-sorta effe...
  13. First year nurse, feel so miserable and alone

    Thanks... I'd read 'The Hobbit', maybe even twice, but not in years. Great passage. And re: Davey's passage on meeting his flame, yeah, may that happen to me too... and sooner rather than later, but I realize you can't force it...
  14. No worries! You say you like the facility. You're new. You say you're 'slow' because you're checking the meds a lot - well, that shows you're conscientious and are trying to do things right. You'll get faster. One step at a time, and one day at a ...
  15. Ask Dr. Fever

    "At HQAP, our motto is 'fix your mug and get a mug'".
  16. Nursing Home Supervisor challenges with WOUND CARE

    No suggestions really, but 'I feel your pain'. At my previous LTC/rehab job, I had 2 problems similar to yours. CNA's who wouldn't put someone's padded boots on, or wouldn't turn them, or didn't put barrier cream on a sensitive area - and/or in som...
  17. A wonderful but sad former patient of mine, with multiple personalities, was sitting in her wheelchair next to my med cart as I was scurrying back and forth passing meds in the evening. I come back once to grab more and she looks at me and says "I w...
  18. Why do patients.....?

    Another annoying thing some patients do is this: you carefully pull several meds - sometimes many - and you know they're all correct. You get to the pt. and they say 'what are all of these for?', or 'what's THIS one?'. You know you didn't make a mi...
  19. Sweet/sad show about Nursing Home

    Thanks for the tip, I gotta check that out.

    "Flice, Rice & Mice: The Last Days of the Earth"

    You're doomed.
  22. Not a big deal, really, but forgot to shave one day before going to work.
  23. Ask Dr. Fever

    NuNurse21, I'm new too - GnuGnurse007 is what I go by sometimes - I'm one of Dr. Fever's assistants, and after having numerous NCLEX problems myself, I went to, based in Kazhakstan, I think (but who cares, right?), and a...
  24. being fired by patient's family member

    I agree w/others: I don't think it was you. The vast majority of times I get along with almost all patients and family members, but I've been 'fired' a couple of times when a family member or members decided I was crap and I don't think a team of ho...
  25. Will marijuana ever be okay in nursing?

    Just a real quick comment re: marijuana - not for nurses - but I have a patient right now who has a Rx for medical marijuana, and I really think it helps him.