

LTC, Rehab

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All Content by djh123

  1. HIPAA Violation, Fired

    I'm not even going to say what I think about it, except to say that this is probably one of numerous reasons that although I'm glad I've done nursing as a late second career, I'm simultaneously glad that I'm not doing it for 30-40 years.
  2. A nurse with a difficult name??

    My first name is pretty unusual. I don't worry about it with patients. Some will say it, some will say some slightly-botched version of it, and others will just call for 'Nurse!'.
  3. New nurse staying way past 9:30 pm on day shift

    I work at a 'transitional rehab', where the acuity varies quite a bit, but I'll have anywhere from 5-12 or 13 patients, and yeah, 9 for med-surg sounds like too many. I doubt that you're bad at time management - you just have a ton to do. But I oft...
  4. Good article. As is the boxed quote, 'Nothing holds you back than your own insecurities'. I'm capable of more - in several areas - than I've done, and I ain't gettin' any younger. I have numerous motivational yellow stickies on my kitchen cabinet ...
  5. LTC nurses having to do CNA work all day

    Urgh, that sounds bad. No, it's not (quite) that bad at all facilities. At my previous LTC facility for 30-35 residents we might only have 1 nurse, but usually 3 CNA's, although admittedly, sometimes only 2. But they weren't an hour late! Night s...
  6. If not nursing then what?

    This ground has been covered before, but hey, that's ok. I was a programmer or programmer/analyst for a long time before becoming a nurse. I've done some art and writing, but not nearly enough, and I need to work on that before the final curtain, s...
  7. Lazy co-workers

    Yeah, a particular former co-worker has made many of us burn through a bunch of calories discussing how lazy, mistake-prone, unfocused, and ... wait, maybe that's enough - they are.
  8. New grad RN, can't land a job after nursing school

    I had a helluva struggle myself at first, probably for totally (and somewhat inexplicable) reasons than you, but as others are saying, maybe you need to find an area where there are nursing shortages. You WILL succeed, I'm sure. Hang in there.
  9. Medical kidnap? Discuss

    Yeah, after reading Mayo's rebuttal - although they didn't, and couldn't, provide specifics - I feel like it's in 'we'll never know exactly what happened' territory.
  10. Medical kidnap? Discuss

    I just skimmed the whole article (both parts), and wow ... although I think we're still not getting the total story from both sides, it sounds like the Mayo was at fault. A pretty bizarre story.
  11. Punitive culture

    I don't remember following this thread, but I just got an update on it, and very off-topic, I have to say that Dave Barry (big-time humorist) would say that 'Punitive Culture would be an excellent name for a rock band'.
  12. Am I Too Old to Go to School?

    I love answering these 'am I too old?' questions. I got my BSN at 54, and there were 2 others the same age in my class, along with someone your age and a few others in their 40's. The best route to take? If you really want to do it, choose a schoo...
  13. Catheter Came out. Should I reinsert it?

    I would've (and maybe you did) asked the dr. on-call whether to send or not, not this group! :^) But we had a similar incident at my workplace not long ago. A guy pulled it out, balloon and all (and resulting blood), and he was sent out due to any...
  14. I wouldn't be that worried. You did all of the right things. And if you've never made an error that you know of, you're ahead of most of us. I don't even think I have to add that the only real thing to do is to realize how and why it happened and ...
  15. Resume after quitting.

    I only skimmed your post, but this really jumped out at me: "On day two of my orientation, the nurse left work and went home early, because she was tired and didn't feel like staying for her full shift. " Really? Seems like they could be charged wit...
  16. LPN

    As some others have said, where you are might be a big factor re: demand. But just a FYI: I work at a 'transitional rehab' where there are RN's and LPN's, and the LPN's pretty much do the same job I do. I'm often a charge nurse with 1-3 LPN's worki...
  17. Called the Compliance Hotline...did I overreact?

    I think you did the right thing. And I'm sorry to hear about the stalker... I hope you've evaded them at this point.
  18. It will take me 7 years just for a bsn.

    If it's what works for you, then do it. And as far as how long - those years will go by faster than you think. Hang in there.
  19. Might be a dumb question but

    I do think it's kind of automatic, and as another commenter says, are sometimes overused. It wasn't the ER, but when I had a cholecystectomy, the next day I noticed a little of BLE edema, and I thought oh yeah, I remember hearing that they gave me a...
  20. 5 things would have detered nurse from killing

    I only skimmed the article, but I didn't have the thoughts about her that a lot of y'all did. I took it in the same tone as a former burglar or computer hacker who helps authorities by pointing out ways to stop others who do what they did. (I'm not...
  21. Wrong site surgery waiting to happen

    I would report this to the state too. Leaving the job helps you, but doesn't protect any future patients.
  22. Items 2 & 3 are a lot more of a concern than item 1. You might talk to mgt., but then again, it might be too soon since you're still in orientation.
  23. Nursing Dreams and Nightmares

    This wasn't a dream, but is funny. I was admitting a new patient in a 2-person room, and I had the computer on wheels facing the new patient, asking him a bunch of questions, etc. I started hearing a beeping, and it didn't sound like it was coming ...
  24. New grad sinking fast

    "Has anyone else been in this situation?". Yeah. Probably the majority of us.
  25. "That's a myth about nursing"

    There's a big demand in my area, but in addition to that, I keep getting emails on LinkedIn asking me if I'm interested in this state or that.