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About ms.pebbles

i have a lot of questions, be ready to answer them all :P

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  1. Nurses, do you immediately take bath after duty?

    Does it have a negative effect on our body if we immediately take a shower even if we're really really
  2. Say you had 8hours duty in the hospital and you're really exhausted coz of walking around the hospital to attend to the needs of the patients, now when you get home, do you immediately clean yourself...
  3. Im sorry :C it wont happen again...:crying2: just dont ban me from this site coz this site is really helpful to
  4. antigen and antibody...what are these?

    I want answers from nurses thats why im on this site...ugh! And i want it to be simplified and without any medical terms on it...
  5. im not a nurse nor a nursing student, how can you explain this to
  6. I wanna read an article about Herniorraphy and Orchitis... please send me a link if you have one...thanks a lottt!!! My heart is beating for all the nurses on this
  7. I am not a nurse but I want to become one someday! Im a student and still on the learning
  8. Is it because to avoid defecation during operation? Because this morning, an ORIF operation was postponed because the patient kept on defecating. What are other reasons behind this?:confused:
  9. What are the types of artificial pacemakers?

    Wow thank you! That really helped me! But how about the Atrioventricular Pacemakers(Physiologic Pacing)?? Why is it not classified as Temporary or
  10. Please help me, im a little bit confused. I have this Brunner and Suddarth's Medical Surgical nursing book, 7th Edition and it says there that the types of artificial pacemakers are the 1. Temporary,...
  11. How much is the salary of a nurse and an information technologist in the US, Europe and other parts of the world? And also the caregiver how much is the salary? Please tell me if its per hour or per...
  12. My grandma told us that during the delivery of my aunt Bonna, forceps were used to forcefully get her out of the uterus.... i didnt know if that had affected my aunt,grandma didnt use any...
  13. Funny/crazy mnemonics

    i have this mnemonics but they're already very common but here it is: :) Oh Oh Oh To Touch And Feel A Girls lady parts Ah Heaven---these are the 12 cranial nerves.. And Skandy was right when he said...
  14. We will be having our return demonstration regarding Physical Examination this week..Ive already read everything but do I really have to memorize it? I guess nurses who do PE have a little note with...
  15. Do children always have to have the blood of their father? If your blood is not the same with your father, does this mean you're not his