I disagree with babyNP. I am a NP-attorney. State laws require employers to pay wages within a certain amount of time (usually 30 days). Go to your state Department of Labor website, there is an...
All new NPs feel incompetent. I promise. It will get better. The BMT role sounds like a good one -- you can use your background in BMT from your RN role -- but you will be bored fast. The same...
The billing is an issue, unless the MD will also be seeing the patient. Private insurers all work slightly differently, but I don't think that any of them would be happy reimbursing him at MD rates...
I assume you are a fairly new NP. I would take the first one just to get some treatment experience under your belt. Then you can move off to case management or whatever else you would like to
I understand that the patient was on valium, but in any event, I have prescribed Xanax as well as Ativan in the geriatric setting many many times. No mass murderers yet. It is an extremely helpful...
Hospice and home health have a lot of similarities. However, hospice is different and that you will get to know your patients and their families much better. You will be with them through the end of...
Nonsense. The only thing that a good hospice nurse needs to have is a passion for her patients. It is a calling. It used to be that nurses often went to hospice at the end of their careers because...
I disagree with DizziJohn on this. You are making recommendations within the scope of your NP license. This is treatment in every respect. An RN cannot make these recommendations within the scope...
Wow lots of judgments passed here. Like the OP, I also hated being an NP for many of the same reasons. I tried several different jobs and disliked all of them for different reasons. I longed to go...
My NP program did not cover EKGs at all, that I remember. That it is rated number one in the country. I had been a tele and critical care nurse so have training from that experience. I have worked in...
I use my sense of smell much less as an NP than I did as an RN. You should have no trouble at all! Also, like many people with a lost sense, you will learn to compensate with your other senses. Good...
You can do whatever you want. It is not true that most NPs (or even a substantial number) went the direct-entry route. That's just nuts in my opinion -- how do you even know you will like nursing?...
Your taxes as a 1099 employee will be somewhat higher because you must pay a larger share of your social security tax; normally that is shared by your employer, but now you'll be paying for it all...
Agree with Neuro Guy on this. I never understood how that got started, but I have heard of some RNs being hassled because of it. Because you have not been hired as an NP, you obviously do not have...
Hospital nurses working in a hospice ward just work shifts like any other hospital nurse. Same thing with hospice house. So if restricting your hours are important to you, that would be a good place...
The nursing is very similar, but there is so much you need to learn that is unique to each hospice. I would think that there would be a big start up learning curve. For example, not only the EMR, but...
The RN case manager position is the most rewarding, but you really do not have flexibility. You need to be available to your patients between 8 AM and 4 PM (or whatever hours the hospital signifies)....
You are out there on your own with no assistance, so you do need to feel pretty comfortable doing those procedures. Plus a family of six will be watching you. I forgot to mention that we also had a...
I would take ANYTHING other than primary care. I totally burned out on primary care in two years. 18 patients per day is a big bucket of patients. The more contact you get with your MD, the better,...
You can always get it later, even if you are unemployed. I am surprised your employer will not pay -- you'd think that they would want you at least to be able to subscribe pain killers or...
Almost all of the big certifications these days (OCN, WOCN, CCRN, CHPN) allow you to recertify via either re-testing or a combination of experience/education. And most require a minimum of hours in...
I think it is fine, unless it is like a 200,000 Bentley or something. Even then, I am sure the men will like it! A bigger question is whether to drive a beat-out shell of a car. That might not look...
I am so glad you are considering hospice and I hope you will give it a try, if you feel that you are right for it. A typical day is 4-5 patients. You will not be seeing only 2 patients unless they...