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  1. Math brain fart - help

    I figured out everything else, but what is the concentration in this problem? Order 16mcg/kg/min of a med Supply 80mg of med in 100 mL NS Pt wt 176 lbs concentration = ?? kg = 80kg mg/hr = 77 ml/hr = 96
  2. Math whiz? Help! Know about Buretrol? Help!! Please!

    See I felt there was missing information too. Anyway I just assumed the drop factor is 60 also. But I don't know how to figure out part d.
  3. My instructor wants me to know the answers to this problem and we've never been taught a thing about Buretrol. Can someone please help??? I need an answer by Tuesday. Here's the problem: A nurse working from 0700 to 1530 hours has a patient receiv...