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  1. Nurses Who Smoke Marijuana

    @ whatever comes: I'm not sure what prompted you to pick up an old thread & post as you did. I personally think you need to take your own advice before going off on a rant & bashing others....
  2. Need to vent!

    Txnursegal78: Yeppers, it is hard! But, if this is what you truly want, you have no choice other than to comply. Just continue to put one foot in front of the other, & do the next right thing. Try...
  3. Grateful

    These days, I am profoundly grateful to be dealing with a very messy, difficult family matter (involving my son & granddaughter- not mine, or my hubby's) in a very calm, clean & sober,...
  4. Finally getting back license

    I have no idea what you should expect- but want to wish you all the best! Take care of yourself & the baby!! I'm happy for
  5. Tough point in my life

    @ SleeepyRN & roser13- I so very much agree- this reply was un-necessarily snarky!! & not helpful at
  6. What's the benefit of self reporting to tpapn?

    @ catsmeow- I "liked" your posts above- not because I like what has happened to you, but because the truth needs to be posted for those new to the recovery process. I am so sorry about what has...
  7. In TPAPN- quite a few years ago- I got approved to work nights. It had been my regular shift before, & I had spent some time on days, but then was allowed to go back to
  8. TX: TPAPN and seeking jobs

    @ajg1117- it would be helpful if we know what state, & what area of that state, you are in!
  9. Board Order

    so very glad for you! congrats!! does your TPAPN start now- or you already in that
  10. Recovery trek completion

    ummm.....did you read the previous couple of posts??
  11. Positive alcohol test

    Oma: I, too, am sorry to hear this....wishing you all the best...hang in there....take
  12. Is Houston Stipulation Friendly?

    Liberty- it sounds like you are in a fortunate position- to not have to take a job just to get through your monitoring period. Best of luck- keep us
  13. Positive alcohol test

    Omaapecm- please keep us posted! Keep your positive attitude- we are all just human! Take care, my
  14. Faith restored

    Yeppers- parts of Texas are a big ole mess right now! So very glad this worked out so well for you!! So nice to
  15. NC BON and past opiate abuse

    there is another very current thread about this exact same issue......it is directly under this