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About anom123456

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  1. Anyone ever feel bored?

    I thought I posted a reply to this thread...strange. Anyway, regarding this part above, I can't tell you how many times I've seen circulators who face their back to the field and zone out during the...
  2. IV fluid question

    You're welcome. Your post was on the right track, and it shows you're thinking, which is a good
  3. IV fluid question

    Regarding this part above: D10W is technically hypertonic, but as a previous poster stated, it becomes metabolized very quickly and then become hypotonic. Same as with D5W, starts out isotonic, but...
  4. Georga Perimeter or Georga Highlands

    No need to get defensive. Just clarifying facts. Do you have support showing these first pass rates? Stating unsupported percentages is not helpful to someone researching
  5. Georga Perimeter or Georga Highlands

    You may want to recheck your stats. GHC has averaged 89% from 2006-2009, with the highest at 92% in 2006. Certainly does not surpass other schools. This is according to the GA Board of Nursing....
  6. Don't know what to do (job offer)

    Ok, that makes sense, I didn't realize the NM was the one making the offer, I thought it was coming from HR. Well good luck and hopefully one of the other places will come through next
  7. Don't know what to do (job offer)

    I'm really surprised they are pushing you to make a decision before discussing the pay and benefits. Could it be they just want to know if you are interested enough for them to make you a formal...
  8. Don't know what to do (job offer)

    Definitely get the offer in writing if you are planning on moving down to Macon. They should understand your need to have more time to decide since it involves a move and this will buy you some time...
  9. Don't know what to do (job offer)

    Here's what I would do. I would call Macon on Monday and ask them to send you a formal offer letter stating the pay and benefits before you are able to give them a definite decision. I would contact...
  10. Any GA ADN-RNs having problems transferring credits for a BSN?

    If you attend a technical college that is part of The Technical College System of Georgia and transfer to a 4 year college within the University System of Georgia, you shouldn't have any trouble...
  11. Nursing Diagnoses- drug overdose

    It's a good thing Daytonite is still with us in spirit - is a link that Daytonite posted that will point you in the right direction on how to draft your care plan relating to overdose. Good...
  12. Who's hiring new grads in the OR in Atlanta, GA?

    I think you are missing my point. How long have you been working in L&D? You shouldn't be considered a "new grad" any longer. You graduated in December 2009 and have been working as an RN (I...
  13. Who's hiring new grads in the OR in Atlanta, GA?

    If you are working in L&D, why are you looking at new grad positions? Does your facility have an OR? Why not look at transferring into the OR at the facility you are currently working
  14. One of your old posts indicates you were an electrician and gave up a great job for nursing. That sounds like a pretty good marketable job skill. Do what you need to do until you can land a nursing...
  15. New grad applying to Grady...license question

    I would call the recruiter and find out directly from