
Animaniacs BSN, RN


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About Animaniacs

Animaniacs has 6 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in Med-Surg/Telemetry.

Bay Area, CA

Latest Activity

  1. Similar Situation. Left inpatient hospital as an RN and went to the county Jail. And I feel overwhelmed. the good thing about the hospital is that even once you’re off orientation, you are...
  2. California Corrections application process question?

    It can take anywhere from 2-3 months. I just got a job interview after I sent in my application 2 months ago for the prison. but I recently took a full time RN job at a local hospital, so I will need...
  3. I'm applying for a California department of corrections RN position. There's a lot of steps, and I'm hoping I don't miss any when I mail it in. 1)I did the online self assessment, and I passed. My...
  4. Feeling down, I dont know how I did in the job interview for an RN position.. I had a job interview for Orthopedics department in a hospital, its a huge step up in pay and it's also in a big hospital....
  5. I've been in med-surg and tele for more than 10 years as an RN. When people refer to floor nursing, do you guys also include ICU or any area/unit where the patient is admitted as inpatient? what about...
  6. job switch dilemma

    Sounds like a good deal. I'd go for it. Change is always hard, but eventually you'll get used to your job and become comfortable. 30k more a year is a good incentive, sure you'd have to give up school...
  7. I'm just curious. I'm reading different threads online, and I completely understand that the cost of hiring/training new nurses is expensive. So when managers hire new nurses, they are hoping the...
  8. Performed poorly on interview.

    I'm really bad at interviews myself. that's one reason I stay in the same job for a long time coz i dread interviews. it doesn't help that english isn't my first language, and i have a thick accent, i...
  9. Is Job Hopping the Norm for Nurses?

    this is an old topic, but i figure it's better than creating another one. base on experience as an RN on the floor, i see many new nurses fresh out of school only work there for 1 year, sometimes...
  10. New Nurse - No Job!

    Some of my fellow new grad nurses are not even from the area where I work. But this is the only place they can get a job. Just keep trying though, you might have to apply somewhere else, maybe a...
  11. Got A Job!

    They won't expect you to know what the meds are for. Well maybe the basics, but nothing in depth. I would assume it's mainly dosage calculations. If you're good at dosage calculations, then are you...
  12. Career Suicide??

    Any experience you can get is welcomed I would assume. Although it may seem like it's hard to get a job right away, just don't give up, and keep at it. We hire a lot of new grads where we work in an...
  13. Turning in letter of resignation - help!

    I understand this is an old topic. But I decided to use the search feature and found several topics, including this one because I have a similar question. I understand 2 weeks is the minimum. I also...
  14. Hi folks, I've been an RN for over 4 years, working in hospital. I consider myself to be a healthy individual. Never been on medical leave. So I don't know how to go about this dilemma. I know this...
  15. ACLS renewal course after card expired.

    thanks for all the responses. that's what i figured at best, i remember the instructors telling us that in the future they will be more strict regarding taking the renewal with an expired card, they...