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All Content by ironink71

  1. July OBLC & Duty Stations

    Since alot of us are finding out this week when/where we'll be going, I thought I'd see who else out there is going to the July '10 OBLC and where they're getting stationed afterwards :)
  2. Weight Requirements

    Thanks for the info Just Cause! I looked up the reg's on the GoArmy website and that's what i was told at MEPS a few months ago.. "You're gonna have to do some intense donut-dunkin' exercises kid.. you're not gonna make weight if you stay as you are"...
  3. Weight Requirements

    Haha thanks guys! :)
  4. Weight Requirements

    i have a question on the (down?) side of this topic.. i'm wondering how strict they are on the weight minimum requirements. I'm 5'6" and have been trying my darndest to make the 120 lbs that they say in the website but i can't seem to get above 115-1...
  5. July OBLC & Duty Stations

    I am too! [email protected] Just identify yourself on how you know me bc ill deny ya otherwise lol
  6. Parents.....URRGGHHH

    I'm glad things are starting to smooth out for you.. I had the way kinda paved for me since my bro's already in but i can feel your frustration and sympathize. Just let her knowo you're going to OBLC AND Bragg already knowing someone :) hehe. Have yo...
  7. July OBLC & Duty Stations

    same here! I'm excited/nervous/ready to just get this started! 4 more months :)
  8. questions for army nurse?

    did you speak with a general army recruiter or an AMEDD recruiter? That makes a huge difference in what you're told.. b/c the regular army wants you to go enlisted and go through all these hoops to be in the medical field but the AMEDD (army medical ...
  9. oblc and army residency program: advice please

    thanks for the info!
  10. Just received assignment....

    Hey! Like Raki'1985 said, I do know the area relatively well.. my brother & my ex-bf are stationed there now and i've been there a bunch of times. Do you have any specific questions? I answered some for her earlier in this post if you wanna look...
  11. oblc and army residency program: advice please

    haha well then i guess my recruiter and major hairston were wrong! Raki'1985 is going in July also... that's all I know of so far. Sorry, from your post it sounded like you were just starting your process. Have you received word then where you'll be ...
  12. Just received assignment....

    yup they ask you for your "top 3 choices". The options are as follows, and are obviously subject to the needs of the army and your wife's experience. All novice nurses (Less than 6 months experience) will have the opportunity to be enrolled in Medica...
  13. Just received assignment....

  14. oblc and army residency program: advice please

    Hey! SOrry it took me so long to respond- I'm taking my NCLEX tomorrow :grn:and have been studying my butt off and haven't been on here! I found out 'unofficially' the day i posted that message but got an email from Maj Hairston yesterday stating tha...
  15. Just received assignment....

    Raki- I'm going to the July OBLC and am stationed at Ft Bragg too :) I"m pretty excited about it b/c my brother's stationed there and i'm pretty familiar with the area since i've been to visit him a gazillion times! Bragg was my 2nd choice- i chose B...
  16. oblc and army residency program: advice please

    Yikes. I have a question regarding that then.. my OBLC date is July 14-Sept 20 and I'm supposed to be in a wedding in mid-october in PA. How long do we have post-OBLC before we report to our duty station? If what you say about leave is correct, will ...
  17. should i join the ANC

    he's right. I was boarded in Nov 09 and ours was the last group to be taken for the fiscal year of 2010. The earliest that you would be considered/boarded would be around oct '10 for the year 2011. I have no idea what the other branches have open sti...
  18. Army Nursing Board

  19. Army Nursing Board

    I haven't talked to my recruiter in a few days.. now i'm wondering when i'm gonna be commissioned! I was told i had to fill out some paperwork for the direct deposit, the W4, and sending in my promissary notes from my school loans but that was all he...
  20. Fraternizing.. with old friends?

    I have a semi-important question that I'm hoping some current officers can answer for me. I'll be commissioned in the Army Nurse Corp soon as a 2LT which I'm really excited about. I know (and am fully prepared to follow) the regs about fraternization...
  21. Fraternizing.. with old friends?

    Thanks :)
  22. Army Nursing Board

    I was told i was selected a few days ago and the same info about the scrolls.. he said that it looks like i'm going to OBLC in June/July.. which means 6 months living at home now haha. oh well! It's finally starting to get going! Now, just have to ge...
  23. Army Nursing Board

    THIS. IS. SO. FRUSTRATINGGGG! lol welcome to the life of the Army! I talked to my recruiter on saturday.. he said that there's 100 of us boarded and only 70 get the ANC positions. He's never had it take this long to get the results but will tell me...
  24. Army Nursing Board

    Nope.. still waiting
  25. Apartments near Walter Reed or Fort Brag, NC

    Ft Bragg has TONS of apartment complexes available. Since it's a military town, the leases are available monthly and annually since of the necessity. Apartments on Reilly Road are nice/mid-level. The Northeast region of Fayettevile is the upscale Off...