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All Content by benitarae

  1. HCMC interview

    Congrat's on the interview. I recently had an interview there also. I have not heard yet. I was let go from a job 6 mos ago and am getting really down. I'm thinking perhaps telling the truth was...
  2. HELP!! What to put on resume after being unjustly FIRED?

    Dear S.Gettes, Isn't that considered bad mouthing an
  3. any nurses quit this job?

    Blood collections such as Apheresis, Plasma collections, Drug Reps, Visit Nuses, Case Managers......just start looking online. In my area there is an influx of nurses and not enough jobs. I...
  4. Has anyone ever quit a new job after a few weeks?

    I was at my first nursing job for 6 months, gave notice and worked for another organization for 15 years when I wanted to do something different, gave notice to them and then quit the new job after 12...
  5. You can begin to see the the way through the "rubble" you have left behind as you keep working with a reputable recovery program. Do you have a recovery preceptor? Are you attending outpatient...
  6. Tricks to getting patients to do what you want?

    I thought all the responses gave good ideas. But from personal experience, I know elderly patients are the hardest to convince. And additionally if there are other factors, such as culture, language...
  7. I think the only thing that has made me go (yuk) are respiratory secretions. For some reason they make me feel like choking. I worked in a clinic on the other end of things and that did not bother...
  8. As I understand it, you were pretty much just "Plopped" into the position. Sounds like your co-worker had an attitude, probably not with you, but rather with the facility. Maybe she resents having...
  9. This place sounds just like a facility I was at for 11 shifts! Half ass "training" (I followed an LPN around for 1 shift, no idea what she was doing because she didn't have time to explain because...
  10. People who flat out lie to get you fired

    I remeber my first job. I was there for 6 months before I found another job. I was a float charge. On one of the floors the charge comitted herself for ATOH abuse and was out about 6 weeks. I was...
  11. mcg/kg/min

    GO to for nursing math, it has
  12. HELP!! What to put on resume after being unjustly FIRED?

  13. I would say take the job if offered. It's tough out there right now. It looks better on a resume to have a job already when applying to other postings. I agree, you should continue trying to get...
  14. HELP!! What to put on resume after being unjustly FIRED?

    I have been an RN for 18 years, but was unable to get into a hospital when I graduated. I worked in L/T care for 6 months but the pay, hours were not good. I accepted a job in Blood Collection...
  15. I was fired.... Now I feel lost....

    Thankyou for your reply. I had already decided to say something like "I really loved my job at ---and I was proud to work for an organization that has a good reputation. I know that I am a good...
  16. Xray tech~ more $$$ than RN???

    I am have been an RN for about 18 years and am thinking about going THE Xray Tech route-I do not have hospital experience and have been out of work for over 4 months. The majority of my experience...
  17. I was fired.... Now I feel lost....

    I don't know. I was fired for forgetting to make the nursing note for a verbal order. Nurses I have consulted with tell me that I won't get a job in today's full market if I tell the truth. I even...
  18. Just Fired, Need Interview & Resume Advice

    I'm in a similar situation, but my offense was neglecting to write a verbal order note electronically. I was alone in the clinic and the phones got busy at the end of the day (of course). This...