
eveningsky339 LPN

LTC, Med/Surg

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About eveningsky339

eveningsky339 is a LPN and specializes in LTC, Med/Surg.

My name is Eric. I have a beautiful wife and a ten-year-old step-son with a baby boy on his way.

Latest Activity

  1. Advice please

    As far as the laziness goes, don't help the lazy CNA. It sucks and may even hurt-- the residents deserve better-- but either the lazy CNA will start picking up the pace, or they won't, and the...
  2. Newbie Needs Encouragement!!!

    I had over a month of orientation. But in my defense, I was still a student. There should be two phases of orientation. In the first phase, you shadow a CNA and give them a hand when needed. In...
  3. Working 3rd shift as a CNA

    At my shift, 1st Shift was the least popular. Not that popularity really mattered in terms of staffing, as hiring new CNAs was like looking for a needle in a haystack. I started out as a student...
  4. A hand-made item isn't such a big deal compared to some "gifts" that have bounced around over the years. Discuss it with your supervisor. I personally think that most policies towards gifts that I...
  5. CNAs! question about incontinence care etc.

    You won't even think about it after a while. It just comes with the
  6. CNA Commandments

    Thou shall bite thy tongue when the bipolar whiny resident is crying about the fact that she hasn't pooped in five hours for the third time this
  7. CNA Commandments

    If a brief is put on improperly, specifically not "tucked into the creases," a red line known as a brief line appears on the resident's thigh (or wherever the edge of the brief was pressing
  8. First day blues

    For some people it takes two days, for others it takes months. I'm still picking up speed and learning new things, and I've been working for over four
  9. what should CNA's carry at all times?

    I always carry a cellphone for the same reason, but I would call 911 before I dared to call the nurse's desk. Many residents have died in my facility because the nursing staff has no idea how to...
  10. Anyone else afraid to look at obituaries?

    I will admit to enjoying the little life stories about my residents that I find in the obits. As I think about it, it is probably better to go through the stages of grief in front of a newspaper...
  11. Blindfolding: Is this an intervention or abuse?

    Just got an idea: Is there a photograph of this resident's husband that you can give her to look at while you do
  12. What is the best department to work in?

    I've worked in Med/Surg and ICU. Med/Surg is a step above nursing homes. You still do basic care for a set of patients, but they tend to be younger and sicker, and you won't feel like a...
  13. is this a case of Lazy RN, OR Over productive CNA??

    I think this makes the most sense... I would approach this RN and explain that you are just trying to cover your
  14. Lately, I get uncomfortable when accessing the news website of my county. They always show an obituary in the bottom right corner of the main article, and I've had two unpleasant occasions where I...
  15. two people for hoyer lift-why?

    I've done my fair share of stupid stuff, and still do to this day. Part of being a CNA is learning to CYA (Cover Your ***) legally at all