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All Content by EggsMom

  1. CSU San Marcos absn 2009

    Hi Sarahbee - Even though there are only a few miles between the old and new Temecula sites, the four or so miles is full of red lights, shopping centers, and serious congestion during peak hours. I called them this morning about something else and...
  2. Anyone apply to the CSU San Marcos ABSN Program?

    Congrats! There are more selectees posting on another thread for the Spring 2010 ABSN. Just do a search on "San Marcos ABSN 09". It's a loooong thread.
  3. CSU San Marcos absn 2009

    Hi all, I just got accepted to the Temecula cohort as well. I already live in Fallbrook, directly south of Temecula, and am very familiar with Temecula. One thing to keep in mind is that the satellite campus will be moving this summer - just google...