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  1. Which RN positions boost resume for MSN in Leadership?

    I agree with HouTx. The work you history you posted shows 1-year stints on several different units. I would suggest staying on a unit for longer, like 2-4 years, and develop from there a track history...
  2. I received an email stating that as long as materials are uploaded by 5/15 the application would be considered. OK, I won't hijack discussion any longer. :-) Good luck to those who are starting, and...
  3. I'm emailing the university now to see if we can submit materials through nursingCAS and have it meet the 5/15 deadline. Will get
  4. trimom3- thank you for the feedback. Wow, sounds really aggravating. First, I didn't know schools were requiring the use of this; I thought nursingCAS was more like a clearinghouse search engine....
  5. Did you submit your application through nursingCAS? I just found out about the website and am
  6. Rejected!!!

    Thank you for mentioning this website. I have to look for an online program bc my local doesn't offer the track I want (adult-gero primary). I'm curious how this website works; it's mind boggling how...
  7. Why preceptors don't precept

    IsabelK, you're amazing! I would love to work with you! *subacute rehab unit RN, applying to AGPCM-NP schools. Mad love to you! *I have to say, the NP I work with is the MAIN reason I am still at my...
  8. Hello! Posting to hear more info on the school. I emailed them today regarding their AGPC-NP program.
  9. Online RN-BSN

    HI! I ended up going with WGU, but considered Univ. of Louisiana too---I really liked that school a lot! Tech friendly! Like Medic2RN, I had a previous BA so at WGU I just needed BSN courses. Did...
  10. St Louis University Acute Care NP

    Any feedback on SLU programs? I was looking at the Adult-Gero Primary Care NP and am curious about the caliber/quality/repuatation of the school. TX!
  11. Any suggestion for LTC NP?

    Yes, this is what happens at the skilled care facility and sub-acute rehab unit I work in. The NP and MD do the initial admission together, then the NP does follow-up rounds and progress notes. We...
  12. New NP Blues

  13. I'm interested in hearing people's feedback on doing the FNP program wholly online. I'm looking at both formats right now. The advantage of this one online program I am considering, is that it is well...
  14. iluvgusgus--thank you! I just started orientation on neuro stepdown unit and all of what you recommended I have seen come into play. Espec. assessments! I got 1:1 training on neuro assessmt with the...
  15. RN:Pt Ratios

    I found it really depended on acuity. My pt load fluctuated from 8-12. Seems low. It got difficult when I had pts on TPN, IV ABX, and multiple dressing changes. I also did most of my own vitals so if...