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  1. Sick and tired of the AAS BSN debate

    Wow. OP is only expressing her feeling how ADNs are sometimes put down because they do not have BSN as evidenced by the instructor's comments. We can all be very proud of ADNs or BSNs that can pass...
  2. Littmann Card. III for nursing school?

    I bought mine on It was around $139 and had a student nurse kit from Littmann that gives you a CD with heart sounds, ID tag and extra ear buds(mail in form with proof of purchase). It...
  3. A&P in 8 wks - how did you do it?

    I took an 8 week course, well actually 7 week because exam is on week 8, but did fine. The A&P book had study questions at the end of the chapter. Also, we got a coloring book/study guide book...
  4. watch with sweeping second hand?

    I got a Timex indiglo "Expedition" watch. Water resistent and has small military numbers with the slightly larger regular hourly numbers. Maybe $30-35 at Walmart/Target/KMart. Also, Dakota Watch Co...
  5. nervous about the TEAS test...

    I took the TEAS test after not being in school since 1986. I was also weak in Math. I actually did very well on the test. I remember some general science questions, reading comprehension, grammar,...
  6. Need advice...

    I am currently in term 3. I can try to
  7. Akron Institute

    I am currently in my third term so I can only tell you what I know so far . . . Classes are day classes and can range between 2.5 to 4hr classes. Depending on if you have any transfer credits...
  8. Akron Institute acceptance letter!

    Congratulations girly27. I am in my 3rd term there and it is going well. There are some tough classes and some easy - which classes may be totally different for you than it was me. You will do...
  9. Nurses and blogging

    As a nursing student, the blogs have helped me with a view into the realistic world of nursing - common complaints, suggestions and
  10. Stethoscopes

    try 3M Littmann Classic II S.E. Special BREAST CANCER AWARENESS Edition Pink Model 2815
  11. HELP...Health care considerations for the Amish culture

    TALK to the person in your care and assess what they know and what they don't and what they expect. They were not frozen in time and all the sudden thawed and put into your care. The Amish are...
  12. math phobia

    Right now Borders stores has workbooks that are used for kids over the summer to help them with the transition from one grade to another. Seems remedial I know, but it really helps with some of the...
  13. Nursing school, no friends

    No worries, you will be fine. I am over 40 and even though there are students my age, most are much younger. While I do not have much in common with them, I find that I can socialize in school with...
  14. stethoscope id tag!

    check out the name tag at the bottom. it is engravable also - $4.99
  15. Steth/Watch Combo - i found a watch attachment that you can attach to any