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About Jljkhorton

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  1. Entering Nursing School

    But of course, I'm a student. Clueless about real life. And you're the working nurse, who knows all. Hope we get to work together some day! And it's probably more like thousands of new grads without...
  2. Entering Nursing School

    I graduate with at LEAST 2000 others. And yeah, I'm gonna have a job by the end of June. Why? Certainly not because there are only 25 jobs available. But because I make myself the best of the best....
  3. Entering Nursing School

    PERIOD!!!! I have NO experience, the only thing I have is that type of personality that make the last poster hate people like me. Really, whine because you had to move? I moved to a different state,...
  4. Entering Nursing School

    No job security? seriously? See, this is what I was talking about in the first place. If you really have things to work for, like family, or mortgage, whatever it may be....nursing will always bring...
  5. Entering Nursing School

    I graduate in May, and everyone keeps asking what in the world I'll do, because there's not many jobs. Well, I tend to be optimistic (and arrogant), so I'll do what others wont to make sure I start...
  6. How do you ace tests?

    My instructors always say "DON'T change your answers!". For the 1st 6 months of school, I found that to be so wrong. But now that I'm further along and seeing more advanced and difficult questions,...
  7. Where I go to school they make us have all the prereq's done before we can apply to the nursing program. Of course it's not written that way, but if you applied w/o one done, you'd lack in points on...

    Lol, getting jealous of an OB rotation, that's great. Google some pics of lochia, etc....it'll even gross her
  9. Learning to Wash Clothes

    There's a lot of good ole fashioned laundry soaps that come in bar form, I can't think of the names of them right now, but they're in any grocery store laundry aisle. Walmart seems to have the best...
  10. Knock out all your prereq's as soon as possible. Just be done with them so you can focus more on why you're there,
  11. I'm about to graduate, and doing careplans tirelessly. I go to a school where we have 1 class every 5 weeks. It's intense, and we have different instructors every 5 weeks. It's hard to know what...
  12. New RN and NO job!!!

    This is true for any job, anywhere. Unfortunately. Everyone is on a hiring freeze, etc. Just hang in there and it'll come. If you're as willing as you say to move, you'll find something soon
  13. Being a Nurse for a Killer

    The newest NCLEX reviews (I'm about to graduate next semester) tell us that you can't refuse care to anybody. I don't know if that's a state regulation, or federal, but as far as I know, you need to...