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All Content by 85RNtogo

  1. RN Coder/Auditor

    Oh, sorry to hear that! Did you find another position as a nurse coder? Do you have any advice for us nurses who are looking for work in the coding field? Thank you so much for replying so promptly and sharing your experiences with us!!
  2. RN Coder/Auditor

    Glenmar, how are things going with Clinical Coding Solutions? I am an RN with a CCS (Certified Coding Specialist) credential, looking for a work-at-home coding position. I would greatly appreciate an update, if you would. Thanks so much!
  3. Well-said, afrocentricRN....I couldn't agree with you more!
  4. RN mother looking at options to work from home?

    For sure, bluesnurse, for sure.......