

LTC and Acute

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About hburatti85

hburatti85 has 5 years experience and specializes in LTC and Acute.

I have just been accepted to a BSN program and have decided to continue nursing school after the death of my son. I plan on becoming a pediatric critical care nurse in either a BMT or PICU setting. Hopefully, at CHLA

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  1. MARCH 2010 STARTS

    We are halfway through level 2 now! Wow, it's been insane. I am also proud of myself. I have managed to maintain As throughout the entire course! The thing that gets me the most is the Care...
  2. I'm a student and I don't expect to find a job out there. I know the pickier you are the ability to find a job is severly reduced. I personally have decided that I have no problem working in LTC if...
  3. Caring for a COPD patient

    I know sometimes Dr.'s order things without taking in all the considerations the patient has. (and that's speaking at a personal level with my
  4. Caring for a COPD patient

    I actually covered this in class recently with oxygen adminstration and too much oxygen in a COPD pt can elevate the CO2 levels because the body has adjusted to working at a lower level of oxygen. I...
  5. I have a pathophysiology paper due that is on Fluid and Electrolytes. I'm not sure what to do considered it's not an actual disease or singular process. I would understand if it was a patho on an...
  6. Clinical instructor/student 10:1?

    State of California requires no more than a 15:1 on clinical instruction. Luckily my clincal groups are only
  7. Failed my first attempt at Foley competency :(

    I'm having the same problem with my foley check off. We practiced and then friday we will get checked off. I flubbed the sterile field completely. I never touched with my dirty hand but I...
  8. My first two tests I thought I had a 100 and nope it was a 90. It's hard to get in the mindframe of NCLEX style questions. Finding the "best" answer sometimes kills me. My problem is I constantly...
  9. You know you're in nursing school when....

    -Truest thing ever. Also, when you finally have a "break" night after a big test you still take your books with you just in case you can study at your friend's house. - Or, every family get together...
  10. MARCH 2010 STARTS

    I have officially been in school for two weeks, and even with all the forums and post I read, I didn't realize how much you hit the ground running. Skills lab is several skills in one day and Theory...
  11. "...Nurses are Doctors SKIVVIES"

    I scored really high on my entrance exam to nursing school and my brother said to my mom "If she is so smart why isn't she studying to become a dr?". I was so mad and hurt. I know I'm capable of...
  12. Medical Students vs. Nursing Students

    My brother is a 3rd year med student and he does everything a "real" dr does. He does have some severly distorted views on nurses and feels they don't do what they are asked. He only did "grunt"...
  13. Those experienced in taking blood pressure, I'M DESPERATE!!

    I personally was till the last beat is gone or at the very least to where it is faint and I have to strain to hear it. It also depends on the nurse. I have been taught to wait till the VERY LAST...
  14. I just had mine done on monday. It was a quick physical assessment but I had to get titers drawn. The titers for Hep B and Varicella (Chickenpox) were mandatory even if you had vaccination records...
  15. MARCH 2010 STARTS

    I found out today that I will be getting my clinical schedule today or tomorrow! At least I will be able to plan a little ahead