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  1. Nursing Student Assessment Worksheet

    This is awesome, I wish I had had it back during my first clinicals!! I think all freshman students or first semester students just starting clinicals should give it a try. Our school has something...
  2. Help with dosage calculation correct me if I am wrong...but I think the answer to #1 is not a safe dose. They said it was 25-50mg/kg/hr (I think this hour should actually be per day) divided into 4 doses (q6h) 21 Lbs =...
  3. Nursing Diagnoses for Mucocele

    It is an obstruction of the frontal sinuses. it causes bones to remodel and become enlarged which causes the blockage, as far as I understand it. This is the first time I have heard of it when my...
  4. Nursing Diagnoses for Mucocele

    I agree with the self image and pain. I can not use a "risk for" diagnosis, my instructors do not like those. This is not his first craniotomy, he had one about 10 years ago after the initial...
  5. I am working on my clinical write up for a patient with Mucocele. He has no co-morbidities and had a craniotomy a few days ago to correct the mucocele cysts. I am having a hard time finding a...
  6. The Nursing Math Thread

    Does anyone know what the easiest way to solve this problem is? Thank you! Your client ate 60% of a 16 oz steak. The steak is 45% protein. How many grams of protein did your client
  7. Covenant School of Nursing Fall 2010

    Well, I am already starting to CSON this Fall, actually in a little over 2 weeks so really it is to late to try to go anywhere else. I have several friends that have graduated from CSON and gone on...
  8. are filter needles necessary?

    My boss too!! Any of the pharmacists i have talked to are like, WHAT??? lol. Glad to see another pharm tech/nursing student in the
  9. Covenant School of Nursing Fall 2010

    I have heard that they are trying to become affiliated with LCU as well. One of the ladies that I work with said that in the Covenant town hall meeting (for covenant employees) to meet the new CEO of...
  10. are filter needles necessary?

    The biggest reason that ampules are used is that it is cheaper for the pharmacy department to purchase an ampule over a vial, as well as for Hospira to manufacturer the drugs in teh amps as
  11. Dosage Calculation

    I always say what I need over what I have. You need 200mg of medication and what you have is a concentration of 100mg/ml. So 200mg/100mg= 2ml Hope that
  12. are filter needles necessary?

    I think they are absolutely necessary as well. I am just starting nursing school this Fall but have been a Pharmacy IV Technician for over 5 years and we always filter anything that comes out of a...
  13. Ages of male nursing students?

    I graudated at 23 with my first B.S. degree in another field, Will be starting the nursing program this fall and will be 26 (27 in October). I know of one other guy that will be in my nursing class....
  14. NCLEX yesterday, Pearson trick, and anxiety

    WAY TO
  15. Celebrate Your Fall 2010 Acceptances Here!!!

    WHEW HEW...I found out that I got into both ADN schools I applied to!!! Naturally I chose the one closest to where I live! I am soo excited to get started...ordered all of my books on Amazon the...