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  1. Florida RN to Paramedic?

    I have been told by a pretty reliable source that you can challenge the paramedic exam in Florida as a nurse. The steps to do so I do not know but I do plan on getting that information myself. I will...
  2. It's good to know that others felt the same way in lectures. My mind would drift off shortly after lecture started. I guess I'm okay after all. Something needs changing within the method of teaching....
  3. average pay for HHN in Georgia

    State, area, type, and location is definitely a factor. I guess I should start packing and head to
  4. average pay for HHN in Georgia

    The visit rate is fair. Remember location is also considered when factoring wages. I think that it is reasonable for Georgia's cost of living. I will not mention agencies that I know are paying much...
  5. Passed NCLEX-RN with 265 Questions?

  6. Really???? Let us not forget the reason for this forum......BTW...Happy New Year
  7. Thank you........Well said. You have my upmost respect. You are
  8. Licensed in a state that i dont live in..

    Congratulations!!!! You need to go to FBON and complete an application for endorsement. You will still be licensed in New York. The FBON website will provide you with all the required information for...
  9. Sorry to say but that scenario does not seem like it will get better. will be putting your license at risk if you stay. Put it in writing, effective immediately. Wishing you the...
  10. fetal demise

    I do believe that there is medication that causes the milk to dry up.I don't remember the name. No stimulation and a good support bra. Hope you receive some
  11. fetal demise

    Hugs and prayers are sent your way. Somethings we cannot understand, but know that we are here for you. Trust that through prayer and the support of family and friends it will help you through this...
  12. Wow!! I took my boards yesterday....

    :cheers::w00t::clpty::dancgrp:CONGRATULATIONS ! !
  13. Need prayers, just failed for the 4th time on NCLEX RN :(

    If this is your dream do not give up. You are capable of passing this exam. You have already passed the RN program. Maybe you need to revamp your study plan. Use your letter you received to come up...
  14. PTEC St. Pete vs. Galen Tampa Bay...Driving myself crazy!

    Most ASN programs are 3-4 years in length. You have to complete your pre-reqs first and then you are accepted into the Nursing Program. Pre-reqs take about 1 1/2-2 years to complete. The RN nursing...
  15. FSCJ vs. Jacksonville University

    I took some courses towards my BSN at JU. It was an awesome experience. Many hospitals are preferring BSN grads so it may not be a bad idea to go straight for it. You have to decide based on your...