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About KC,RN

I am a new RN

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  1. When Your Patient Wants To Talk Politics

    That’s awful. As I got more experienced as a nurse I learned to say “I am a nurse and I am a professional, you are not allowed to touch me. I expect to be spoken to the same way I am speaking to...
  2. When Your Patient Wants To Talk Politics

    I love this! Always my go
  3. When Your Patient Wants To Talk Politics

    OMG that might be the only thing
  4. When Your Patient Wants To Talk Politics

    I love this! Perfect way to handle it! I’m going to use this,
  5. I guess this could apply to any part of life, but just curious how everyone handles it when your patient wants to talk about politics. I typically try to redirect the subject back to the care I am...
  6. Bachelor's vs Associates in Nursing

    Where I live most of the prestigious hospitals and more of the local hospital want a BSN. I have my ADN and I am working on my BSN now. If you have the time I would go for your BSN because you will...
  7. Hostile families

    I don't know if I expressed this clearly, but I truely do not think this son had any intention of causing trouble in the hospital. I think he felt helpless seeing his mother in that much pain and he...
  8. Hostile families

  9. Hostile families

    Thank you everyone. Some really good advice here that I will use in my bag of tricks to prevent this from happening again. It's tough as a nurse when you understand that someone is in real pain and...
  10. Hostile families

    I know I spelled that wrong. As I said in the other posts I typed that quickly in the middle of the night without check. Thanks for correcting me. I will double check next
  11. Hostile families

    Thanks I'll double check next
  12. Hostile families

    I need to use spell check when posting in the middle of the
  13. Hostile families

    I know I was very vague in my post because I didn't want to give out to much information. The incident that happened last night was this. Pt came to the floor right at change of shift after a hellish...
  14. My last two shifts I have had issues with very hostel family members who felt that my hospital and me were not doing enough to prevent a patients pain. I had medicated both of these patients and...
  15. Interested in earning a BSN degree

    Ok point taken. My point was that you need to ask about your credits, and in my experience most schools will take credits already earned for an RN to bsn