
hoolahan ASN, RN

Home Health


All Content by hoolahan

  1. 3rd week in home health, ready to quit

    Wow. I am sorry you are having such a bad experience. I am not sure exactly who you are speaking about when you say "one big scam regarding what is written and what is really done for these patients. " Are you saying here? or in your agency? If what ...
  2. Married/single/male/female

    You first! Are you a nurse?? Is this "study" for your own information, or how will the results be used?
  3. Advice needed please

    {{{uk_nurse}}} When I was 5 mo preg with my son, I had a UTI that caused me to go into pre-term labor. I was put on IV antibiotic, then switched to po when discharged. The baby was fine. In these situations, you have to weigh risk vs benefit. There i...
  4. A short list about bully behaviors

    I think in order to stop bullying, you must disarm them. How? First step is recognizing the bullying behaviors. Which has been nicely described above. Second step, just like the school yard bully, you must confront them. Call them on their behaviors ...
  5. retaliatory termination

    Just an FYI folks, the original post is over 2 years old. How did it work out earle?
  6. 3rd week in home health, ready to quit

    What?? You won't get 2 days off during the week? I hope you will be getting OT and aren't salaried!! It's official, your job sucks! Get out, life is too short for that kind of abuse. Contact other agencies if this is what you want to do, but what yo...
  7. New to CBO's Can Anyone Help???

    Interesting, Let me explain why I said what I did. When I had to do clinical for my RN to BSN program, they needed proof of my licensure. In the past, in NJ, you had to have a letter stating that you did indeed have an active NJ license, but in 2000,...
  8. New to CBO's Can Anyone Help???

    I don't know what state you are in, but all anyone has to do in NJ is go to the state board of nursing web site and look up names to find license. You could print those copies out. I have always allowed copies of my license to be made. In fact in NJ,...
  9. I'm confused....

    I see where you are coming from now Harley. I would say you'd be fine, but you would just have to speak up if you are unsure how to do any procedure you are assigned, just like you would now. You of course would have to have an orientation, which us...
  10. Info on being a home health case manager

    Honestly, I haven't seen any good books on case managing in home care. Maybe a few books have chapters, but I have never seen a whole book dedictaed to case management. I see no problem with any experienced nurse doing an inservice, so long as they h...
  11. Futile Care. Dead is dead.

    I can so relate to what you all are saying. I did critical care for 17 years, and it did finally burn me out completely. I went into home care and I really loved it. It was so nice talking to my patient's, and very rewarding to see them actually get ...
  12. I'm confused....

    Hi Harley, I think your friend has simplified it a bit. I think a big part of the difference may be that some of the things you read here are regarding the admission assessment, or the OASIS, and that can only be done by RN's, so it would not be your...
  13. DME/Qxygen issues...

    I can't find anything on the CMS site about the number of catheters allowed for oral suctioning. But I did find NIH guidelines about suctioning procedure and cleaning of catheters... Brief Summary GUIDELINE TITLE Suctioning of the patient in the home...
  14. DME/Qxygen issues...

    This weekend I had a bad experience with a DME vendor, I am considering reporting them to the state. I went to a member's home, when I got there, it was a doctor's office referral so you never really know what you are walking into, the pt was so dys...
  15. DME/Qxygen issues...

    Found this at Aetna's site... Home > Clinical Policy Bulletins > Medical > CPB0503 Clinical Policy Bulletins Number: 0503 Subject: Suction Pumps Important Note This Clinical Policy Bulletin expresses Aetna's determination of whether...
  16. DME/Qxygen issues...

    The pt has both Medicare and Medicaid. Monica, that is true for us re wound care supplies, but oxygen supplies, at least where I am, are always provided by the DME. Trach care kits, suction caths, all of it come from the DME. For trach's, I know they...
  17. Home Health Aide shortages...

    Is everyone having such problems? I am particularly curious about in rural areas. I am in the suburbs, close to the city. There are only a few compnaies left who will offer HHA/PCA under medicaid, only becausethey just can't staff the cases. It is ea...
  18. DME/Qxygen issues...

    Not me trav, I am per diem, doing only weekends now. I hardly ever get to see the same pt's again. Although, I did go out and do a discharge on a pt I opened 8 weeks earlier, that was nice. I wasn't sure if this was because there wasn't a trach. But ...
  19. Are these orders valid?

    First of all, the supervisor should have defined the limits of being paid BEFORE this occurred. First she says it's a good idea, then it is a "little shopping trip?" That is pretty unprofessional of the supervisor. As far as practicing, did she pract...
  20. Bad drug choice by DR.-scary! long rant

    Tell her to report him to her insurance company quality department. We had a case today, where I was slow, so I asked my boss if she needed any help, she asked me to contact a doc's office re submitting medical records for review. I looked at the doc...
  21. What makes the CPNE so hard?

    I think too many people make the error of thinking I've been a nurse for XX years, I can fly by the seat of my pants and you can't. You must know those critical elements inside and out! You have to know how many you must pass out of how many there ar...
  22. books or study guides

    Exactly right. Just follow the syllabus outline EC gives you, and do the recommended readings. Go to the library of a local nursing school for most of the books and xerox the chapters needed if it's not too many, or just read there and make notes. I ...
  23. AJN Article Opinions.. "I'm No Angel"

    I used to feel it was a calling, but now, this more acurately reflects my belief. Well said!
  24. AJN Article Opinions.. "I'm No Angel"

    Not to minimize your angelicness or anything, but when I worked in PACU, all my patient's thought I was an angel too. I think they are just so darn happy to know they survived their surgery! That was a great job!
  25. Bad drug choice by DR.-scary! long rant

    Wow! That is scary! Just the fact he puts her down for asking questions is scary enough! When I was pregnant with both my kids, I had wicked headaches in the first trimester, I mean, so bad, I was ready to ask my midwife if I should have a CT of the ...