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All Content by CherryAmes_RN

  1. I didn't. I thought about it my senior year of high school, but was holding out on coming across something more... "Fun..." Yeah right. Became an aide @ 18, went to nursing school @ 22. 10 years in healthcare & can't see myself doing anything oth...
  2. Protecting Skin Grafts

    Are you putting a dry dsg over the xeroform? What about securing with a bunch of large tegaderms?
  3. Wow. Ok, I'm not going to parrot what everyone else has already wisely told you- it's starting to sound like you really don't want the advice that you came here seeking. I am going to answer the question you posted in all caps up there... YES. It wil...
  4. How do you draw up meds for IVP?

    For narcs I use a 3ml syringe to draw it up, draw a couple of ml NS from a flush unless they've got fluids going & then I just push slow into the lowest port without disconnecting. Cardiac meds I draw up with a 3ml but inject that into a flush af...
  5. Anyone else a Biker Nurse? ;)

    We have a 71 BMW R60/5... A few old Hondas in various stages of disrepair. I've been wanting to pick up a nice little scooter to ride to & from work in the nice weather.
  6. Daytonite has passed away...

    Very sad to hear. Sending positive thoughts into the universe.
  7. What's the BEST nursing shoes?

    Nike shox, always. They're pricey, but I only wear mine to work & they last about a year.
  8. How many Nurses had their CNAs before Nursing School?

    Wasn't an actual CNA, but was an aide or 5yrs before becoming an RN. Not require by any law that I have ever heard of, some schools do require it as a prerequisite. Don't know a think about the University of Washington. I personally feel that ever...
  9. stethoscope question

    Oils from the neck/hair break down the tubing over time.
  10. Alert & Oriented & I want to go home

    Couldn't have said it better myself. Its crazy & its demanding & its sad & it'll make you laugh & want to cry. It gets easier with time and then you'll have a minute or two to sit with your patients & realize how truly awesome the...
  11. What Is Your Most Gross, Yucky, Disgusting Nursing Horror Story?

    Before becoming a nurse I was an aide at 2 seperate MH/MR facilities. Many of the patients had pica, 2 of my 3 stories involve this: 1. Resident with colostomy would constantly pull off his bag. One day I went in to awake him & help him get ready...
  12. Chocolate Crocs

    mmm- sarris. i dont like crocs, but ill eat em all.
  13. Anyone Bipolar???

    well im a little late in the game but ill share too anyone bipolar? why yes, yes i am. i was diagnosed with BP II at 18. i went through hell as a teenager, starting @ age 12. i saw a total of THIRTEEN different psychologists & psychiatrists. not...
  14. Nurses and Coffee

    yess, i have an unhealthy relationship with caffeine of all sorts... coffee, tea, sugar free red bull & diet pepsi. sorry, kidneys. since ive started my 1st nursing job, ive become a java monster & also require it on days off before doing any...
  15. I'm trying nursing, but I'm hardheaded..will I last?

    I think I'm going to go into nursing, but I am hardheaded. no, this wouldnt be a problem in the nursing field. provided that you would be able to work as a team member. in the field (just as on this forum) when you ask for advice/opinions from a se...
  16. Would you take a bullet for your colleague?

    absolutely not. i own my practice, as should everyone else.
  17. Somthing going on with my son...

    I think the OP meant that the MD was verbally short (terse/curt) in speaking with him. JOJO beat me to it
  18. What's Your Best Nursing Ghost Story?

    after reading so many of yours, i feel comfortable sharing a few "experiences" ive had, and had shared with me, without you all thinking im crazy :dzed: chronological order, present to past... i work at a SNF/rehab... i havent seen anything pe...
  19. Need to know please help Bipolar and in school

    you cannot be denied a schooling, a license, or a job for a diagnosis. theres not a list. tips: stay on your meds & see your doc as needed... take care of yourself- sleep, eat healthfully, find something positive to help you decompress. as far as...
  20. Who you gonna call??? (not Ghostbusters!)

    if the pt is their own responsible party, we tell them... myself, i always explain the N/O with rationale & make sure they understand. and document, document, document! something like... N/O: cipro 500mg PO BID x 7days, res. own responsible party...
  21. How many residents do you care for Per Shift?

    responding to the OP... i work at a SNF/rehab & have recently been assigned a steady hall on the acute rehab unit. i work 3p-1130p (1130 if im lucky )... i have 25 patients. 99.999% of the time, when one is discharged on 7-3 i get one on 3-11. (...
  22. How many going to Haiti?

    wish i could... again, not qualified & also have to work for $
  23. I've only cried once...

    Hey guys... So here I am, I don't think I've posted since I was trying to decide where to work. I've done a whole lot of creeping around without feeling like I have much to say that hasn't been said... Especially on the Geri/LTC Boards. But decided I...
  24. Tattoo's....quick ?

    nope. i work at a SNF/rehab & i believe that theyre policy says as long as the tattoos isnt offensive or vulgar, its ok. im a RN with 1/2 sleeves & forearm tattoos that will eventually be full sleeves. as far as piercings, i dont think were s...
  25. Shoes with Good Support!

    i LOVE my shox. they took a couple days to break in, but didnt hurt my feet in that period. now, my feet feel awesome while at work AND when i come home. my fiance bought them @ lady footlocker, with the "special" insoles they offer, for about 140$.....