
One1 BSN, RN

Emergency, Pre-Op, PACU, OR

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  1. I agree. The certification alone doesn't mean anything. If you can put actual EMT/ED tech experience behind it, then it will be a different story. What about applying in another hospital or work with in an Urgent Care clinic?
  2. Cold feet?

    I don't think you need to have a "calling" for nursing but I do believe that you should be able to see yourself enjoying the profession. Accelerated nursing school is HARD. Nursing is not all peaches either. It can be worth the physical and emotional...
  3. Centura's new grad phone conference

    Actually, they often prefer that you have worked in your department for a few months and have finished orientation before you start the ASCENT program, so it is not really crucial to apply at times that would line up with one of the ASCENT program st...
  4. Bedside charting?! Is this the new norm? VENT!

    You do what you have to do. I can't get involved into idle chat either while charting but it works well to talk about patient pertinent information with the patient while I am charting it. I also love having the computer available for quick documenta...
  5. Bedside charting?! Is this the new norm? VENT!

    I might be the odd one here but I like bedside charting, as long as nursing station monitors are available as well. It is unrealistic to expect nurses to be able to do ONLY bedside charting, especially in busy environments, but when it is possible, I...
  6. possible to get an RN position in Colorado?

    I agree with the previous poster. Is there any way you can finish your first year before moving? By having worked a few months in another State you would also no longer qualify for new grad residencies. Maybe you could apply to those from your curren...
  7. Like helster83, I just called the hospital hotline, asked for the volunteer coordinator, and set up a meeting. I then met for a "formal interview" and then started as soon as my background check came back.
  8. I second the CNA suggestion. It is an affordable, quick entry into the healthcare field and will show you quickly if you REALLY want to be a nurse before you commit financially. CNA experience will also look great on your resume, allow you to work wh...
  9. Is it possible to be too emotional for nursing?

    Being emotional is fine, but you should be able to 1) not let it affect the care of your other patients (for example if you have one case that makes you more emotional than the others) and 2) go home and move on with your own life. If you'll bring ev...
  10. Is your ADN program/school regionally accredited?
  11. New grad nurse - purposely work part time?

    Yes, it is possible, but orientation will most likely be full-time as you will be following your preceptors' schedules.
  12. Same here. You can add a section called "certifications" or something similar where you put your BLS, ACLS, PALS, EMT, CNA, or whatever else you might have.
  13. New Grad interested in Colorado, any advice?

    You could try applying for new grad residency programs like they have at Children's and UC Hospital (University of CO).
  14. New Grad interested in Colorado, any advice?

    You might find yourself at a disadvantage as a new grad without connections. Many new grads here are able to find jobs (although not always quickly and not all of them) but the ones who do usually used their clinicals or healthcare part-time jobs dur...
  15. Denver Job Outlook

    Not sure which one, but I know of new grads (brand new) who just recently got hired. Also, Centura has a whole "new grad" program set up which includes weekly classroom time additionally to your preceptorship and later mentorship.
  16. Can you spice up your application with some volunteer or CNA work? Many hospitals have volunteers in many departments. Use initiative/time commitment (volunteer work) or work experience in the healthcare field to make up for your lower GPA.
  17. Denver Job Outlook

    That is completely incorrect. Centura hires tons of new grads on all floors, including ICUs, EDs, and Mom/Baby. Some of these new grads have no prior experience in the field other than clinicals during nursing school.
  18. Nursing School Burnout - RANT!

    Nursing school is hard, but being a new grad nurse is probably not going to be much easier, at least in the first year. Depending on your specialty, you might have to take specialization courses (ACLS, etc), you might have classroom time all over if ...
  19. How Do You Study for Final Exams that are Cumulative?

    I used to type and save my own study guides for each exam. For all accumulative exams, I would reprint my study guides and read them before the final. By finals' time we were usually almost done with our clinicals though and I found that most concept...
  20. Can a new grad work in the ER?

    Yes, it is possible. It can be helpful to work as an ED tech (usually EMTs) or as an EMT in the field before applying for RN positions. However, I have seen new grad RNs without any clinical experience being hired into an ED. How successfully, I don'...
  21. Do RN's insert EJ's at your hospital

    Yes, some of our nurses put EJ peripheral IVs in if we cannot get other access. We use 18g for EJs.
  22. I don't think taking a year off would be a good idea. You will lose your "fresh" skills, and more importantly, the connections you made during clinicals. By the time the year is over there will be at least 2 cohorts of fresh new grads flooding the jo...
  23. CNAs deserve more appreciation in nursing!

    You seem to have way too much time if you work yourself into such a frenzy about a job you don't even do yet, and btw, it is "HADES" (god of the underworld in ancient Greece) and not "HAIDES". Just saying.
  24. new grad conundrum

    I'd say take the RN job on the med/surge floor. You will gain nursing experience and will be able to apply to many emergency departments down the road. Working in the ED as a secretary might or might not get you an RN job there later on, but you will...
  25. No more fun scrubs

    Our hospital is on the way to color-coded scrubs as well. Pointless in my opinion because 1) the patients won't remember which color means which profession, and 2) the colors are not standardized among our hospital network, so even if a patient knows...