
jessiern BSN, RN


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About jessiern

jessiern is a BSN, RN and specializes in Med-Surg.

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  1. What do you start IVs with in your OB unit?

    When I had my little one, the MD required a 18g-hospital required at least a 20g. Hurt like $^%^&$, and it took 4 sticks to get it (I have GREAT veins). Carried bruises around for 4 weeks, but...
  2. rough night

    Yep, sometimes we forget how dangerous this job can be. Been assualted by patients in the past myself. Sorry you had such a terrible night, and hopefully he'll be transfered or discharged by your...
  3. I don't feel like i did the right thing...

    I'm currently on maternity leave, but in the last week I worked, I had to transfer two critical patients to the ICU with fluid overload. One I had the whole shift, about 3 hours, and the the other...
  4. When to call the Doctor regarding a fall?

    I would always call the MD. Serious injuries may not be evident from a head to toe assessment, and patients may deny pain when it is present (had a little old lady with her head gapped open deny pain...
  5. I have on many occasions kindly reminded patients that I am human deserving of basic courtesy, such as please and thank you. I find when you educate an adult on use of proper manners, they are...
  6. To the patient with a BP f 90/45. No, you can not have your pain meds-your doctor said so. And, futhermore, if you can jog up and down the hall to "up your pressure" then I really have a difficult...
  7. At least where I work that is true. PT and PTAs are in high demand right now. There is a true shortage (not like the overly-hyped nursing
  8. PTA's (PT assistants) only have to obtain an associates degree, like RN's. They make more money, have better hours, better working conditions, and the demand for PTAs is through the roof. I'm...
  9. I could echo what the others listed above, but I want. I will simply add my situation, which is probably not common. I have a stressful, difficult and demanding job. I come home many nights in...
  10. Where did you learn all of the acronyms??

    Yep..I sent out Christmas cards with "We wish you a Merry Christmas c (line over it) lots of joy" and countless thank you cards with similiar mistakes. I don't even realize I do it until someone...
  11. can family give pt unprescribed meds

    That was my first thought as well. Either the patient is being given more than the prescribed amount, or someone in the family is taking the meds. Either why, the MD should know so they can...
  12. Where did YOU sleep last night?

    Our town flooded last week, and numerous nurses had to stay at the hospital because they couldn't get home. I have slept on a treatment table in PT during a hurricane though. Not
  13. Your CALL LIGHT privileges have been revoked!!!

    And before anyone points it out, yes - I know it was a stupid and equally juvenile action I took. He could have easily faked a fall and sued claiming he had no way to call for help. I tend to be a...
  14. Your CALL LIGHT privileges have been revoked!!!

    I actually did once take the call bell away from a patient. We had an A&O 40-ish year old PIA admitted with elbow pain (yes, that's right). I had him his third day at our faculty (uh-huh-third),...
  15. Now I've been the patient

    Agreed...even if just to see how vulnerable you feel. It was surprised at that, since I am what I would consider well educated and well read. I can't imagine how vulnerable someone without a medical...