
locolorenzo22 BSN, RN

Ortho, Neuro, Detox, Tele

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About locolorenzo22

locolorenzo22 is a BSN, RN and specializes in Ortho, Neuro, Detox, Tele.

a new nursing student trying to get the ADN then go on to BSN.

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  1. Brian Short News

    This is so tragic. I have not been around this website for a long time, due to busy life. but I remember so many sleepless nights, triumphs only nurses would understand, long days at work, and...
  2. June 2014 Caption Contest: Win $100!

    This way at least ONE of us gets to
  3. Medication Error

    We hate to look incompetent. But this is bigger. It's about doing right by the patient, not your own selfish needs. When it is discovered, it will be reported. such is life. Have her come forward...
  4. pt refuses, wants med later

    Even if the time on the med is 0800...if the patient doesn't want it until later, that is their right. I would just comment with the administration something simple like "patient request". That way...
  5. How do I make the switch from dayshift to nights?!

    MISS NURSE! If you find yourself falling asleep at the wheel, PULL OVER! There are too many stories about people falling asleep at the wheel, killing themselves or someone else. If you kill someone...
  6. interpreting ECG strip

    some people live with flipped t-waves. you would surely need a ekg and more information about pt history to figure out what is going
  7. sweating on the job?

    i sweat quite a lot a work, usually when I have to be in a isolation room or a older patients room with the heat on. I'll just pat off when I can, run some water on a towel and mop off, dry my...
  8. Law and Order: SVU = studying.

    when i was in school, it was Grey's first season. Remember the episode where Izzy was drilling burr holes on a MVA patient on the interstate? Yeah, i knew exactly what she was doing...and i was...
  9. To those who have taken Kaplan for NCLEX

    meh, I didn't really consider it a big deal, 2 days of answering questions in a group, and it basically boiled down to do you assess or intervene. I took it because my employer reinbursed us on our...
  10. How do nurses practice giving shots?

    we used the fake skin, and that helped, but the biggest thing is to just be confident, if you willy nilly it, you'll hurt the patient. heparin and insulin are the only shots i give routinely. after...
  11. possibly going to all one color scrub tops

    i give it 6 months to a year, before they realize that it makes no difference and change back. thanks
  12. Ortho Docs and pain meds

    i have had non narcotic orhto patients due to confusion or other medical issues, but if this is the case the patient should ask for referral to a pain specialist to determine how to control pain...
  13. Hi all, my hospital may be planning to implement a universal Teal scrub top policy for nurses(don't know tech color yet, but that's universal also). What I want to know is does it seem to help your...
  14. Male CNA

    Yep, it happens. Even now as a educated professional RN, there are still times where I know women are trying not to offend me, but I will ask straight out if I think there is an issue. Most patients...
  15. Wow They Are Really Serious - smokers not hired

    My employer requires that the campus is entirely non-smoking. Also, they charge a $50 surcharge per person on the insurance plan who smokes, per paycheck, so that starts adding up. I believe that if...