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All Content by mkwatro

  1. Please help me in making my Nursing care Plan

    Thank you very much maam. You really helped me alot. Hope that you could help me again next time. :)
  2. My Patient is complaining about his lower extremities because it is swelling and has an arthritis, he cannot move it freely, due to this pain he always feel hot and slightly febrile. He is 67 yr. old. and chief complaint is loose watery stool, but no...
  3. Please help me in making my Nursing care Plan

    Maam/sir thank you for the effort of explaining this to me clearly. Sorry maam/sir if my information is not specific because my instructor didn't explain to us clearly on what info we need to have a correct and effective nursing care plan. Hope you u...
  4. How did you choose?

    Don't put NURSING as a reason for having no choice. Nursing is very risky job because you deal with the life of a person. I'm only 18 but that's serious I am when it comes to nursing. You completely commit yourself on that job whole-heartedly. It is ...
  5. Please help me in making my Nursing care Plan

    My nursing diagnosis is impaired physical mobility r/t painful joint. Maam/sir, my patient has osteoarthritis and I think his illness belongs to secondary osteoarth due to 1. injury ( his wife told me that he slide on the floor and his hip drops of t...
  6. Please help me in making my Nursing care Plan

    Could you also help me on what's gonna be my independent nursing intervention for my patient having this complaint? Please.
  7. Please help me in making my Nursing care Plan

    He has a self-care deficit. He is always lying supine on bed and refuse to change position because of his aching lower extremities. He eats well with good appetite.
  8. Please help me in making my Nursing care Plan

    Thank you very much amy2005 and daytonite. Your replies helped me alot.